Take any two numbers P and Q (P ≠ q) from the four numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 to form the functions y = px-2 and y = x + Q, and make the image of these two functions If the intersection point is on the right side of the straight line x = 3, how many pairs of ordinal numbers are there in total?

Take any two numbers P and Q (P ≠ q) from the four numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 to form the functions y = px-2 and y = x + Q, and make the image of these two functions If the intersection point is on the right side of the straight line x = 3, how many pairs of ordinal numbers are there in total?

Let the two equations be equal, px-2 = x + Q, then the X coordinate of the intersection of the two functions is (Q + 2) / (p-1), as long as the equation is greater than 3, then there are (P, q) = 2,4; 2,5; 3,5; three pairs

Take any two of the four numbers 2345, P and Q (and P is not equal to q), form the functions y = px-2 and y = x + Q, and make the intersection of the two function images on the right side of the straight line x = 2, then such ordinal number pairs (P, Q) are_____ ?

If y = px-2 and y = x + Q cancel y, x = (Q + 2) / (p-1) > 2, because P > 1, we can get P

Take any two numbers P and Q (P ≠ q) from the four numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 to form the functions Y1 = px-2 and y2 = x + Q, so that the intersection of the two function images is on the left side of the straight line x = 2, then such ordered array (P, q) has ()
A. 4 groups B. 5 groups C. 6 groups D. uncertain

Let px-2 = x + Q, the solution is x = q + 2p − 1, because the intersection point is on the left side of the line x = 2, that is, q + 2p − 1 < 2, then q < 2p-4 is sorted out. By substituting P = 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively, the corresponding value of Q can be obtained. The ordinal number pairs are (4, 2), (4, 3), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), and because P ≠ Q, so (5, 5) is rounded off, and there are 5 pairs that satisfy the condition

From the four numbers, take any two numbers P and Q (P is not equal to q) to form the function, Y1 = px-2 and y2 = x + Q, so that the image intersection is on the left side of the line x = 2, and ask PQ group

Let's make it clear that they are all increasing functions, upward. Intersection point, Y1 = Y2. Then, the intersection point is on the left side, indicating that when x = 2, Y1 > Y2 (the increase of Y1 is greater than Y2), substitute x = 2 into the equation, and let Y1 > Y2, that is, 2p-2 > 2 + Q, after simplification, P > 2 + Q / 2. The answer is very simple, q = 2, P = 4 or 5; q = 3, P = 4 or 5; q = 4, P = 5; q = 5