It is known that ABC is a three digit number, and the sum of the other five three digits composed of a, B and C is 2006, The sum of the other five three digits composed of a, B and C is 2006, so the difference between the largest and the smallest of the six three digits is

It is known that ABC is a three digit number, and the sum of the other five three digits composed of a, B and C is 2006, The sum of the other five three digits composed of a, B and C is 2006, so the difference between the largest and the smallest of the six three digits is

The sum of six three digits composed of a, B and C = 222 (a + B + C),
The sum of the other five three digits composed of a, B and C is 2006,
So the sum of the six three digits composed of a, B and C is 2220,
So ABC = 2220-2006 = 214,
So the difference between the maximum and minimum of the six three digits is 421-124 = 297

Use the five numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 to form the formula of multiplying three digits by two digits
The product is the largest
The product is the smallest

Maximum product: 320 * 41
Minimum product: 104 * 23

Use the five numbers of 0, 2, 3, 5 and 7 to form the formula of multiplying three digits by two digits. The maximum product is () × (), and the minimum product is () × (). How do you think about it?

Among the three digit numbers, the number on the hundred is the largest, the number on the ten of the two digit numbers is as large as possible, then the product is the largest; among the three digit numbers, the number on the hundred is the smallest (cannot be 0), and the number on the ten of the two digit numbers is as small as possible, then the product is the smallest
The maximum product is (720) × (53), and the minimum product is (237) × (30)