Fill in the multiplication sign or division sign in the nine brackets of the following formula to make the equation true 10 () 9 () 8 () 7 () 6 () 5 () 4 () 3 () 2 () 1 = 64 / 7

Fill in the multiplication sign or division sign in the nine brackets of the following formula to make the equation true 10 () 9 () 8 () 7 () 6 () 5 () 4 () 3 () 2 () 1 = 64 / 7

I saw a similar one before, but the requirement is 66 / 7, which cannot be solved for 66 / 7, because 66 contains a factor of 11
Because forget the questioner, I don't know if it's also your question, just because it's written wrong
Seeing this question again, I decided to give a good answer
We should see that although 66 is a good number, after all, 66 is a good number!
However, there is reason to believe that 64 is also a good number from a mathematical point of view, because 64 = 2 to the sixth power
So the answer to the question should start from this angle, 64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
So 64 / 7 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 / 7
You can see that there is a prime number 7 in the above formula (which can only be represented by 7 itself), so there must be 7 in the denominator
Now the problem is how to express other numbers as 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
After a simple observation, it can be predicted that:
It is shown here that 10 / 5 × 4 × 8 is equal to 64
We are very happy that the remaining 9, 6, 2 and 3 are combined, that is, 9 / 6 × 2 / 3 is exactly equal to 1
After finishing, 10 * 9 * 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 * 4 / 3 * 2 * 1 = 64 / 7
So far, the problem has been well solved
I like mathematics very much. I'm majoring in mathematics. If you have any problems in mathematics, please let me know

In the following formula, fill in a number greater than 1 in each, so that the equation holds

Because 932 = 8649, that is, (3 × 31) 2 = 8649, and 31 = 23 + 8, so [3 × [23 + 8)] 2 = 8649, the answer is: 3, 2, 8, 6, 4

The equation holds when the nine numbers Are filled in brackets respectively

1. Here are 10 pairs of brackets. How can I fill in 9 numbers?
2. In the equation after 3634, three numbers can be equal to 3634
3. () * () = 3634 in the middle of this equation, the maximum value of 99 * 9 is not more than 1000, how is it equal to 3634

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 make a formula to make a four digit number multiplied by a number equal to a four digit number, and the number shall not be reused

I found two: