52 students went boating, a total of 11 boats, including 6 people for each big boat and 4 people for each small boat?

52 students went boating, a total of 11 boats, including 6 people for each big boat and 4 people for each small boat?

(11 × 6-52) △ 6-4, = 14 △ 2, = 7, 11-7 = 4; answer: big boat & nbsp; 4, small boat & nbsp; 7

Use "0123456789" to add the three digits to four digits
Use every number

859 + 347 = 1206 can be transformed into 743 + 859 = 1602 589 + 473 = 1062 and so on
789 + 246 = 1035 can be transformed into 289 + 746 = 1035
765 + 324 = 1089 can be transformed into
637 + 452 = 1089 can be changed into many groups

If the sum of a four digit number and his four digits is exactly equal to 2010, then the four digit number is zero

Let the number be ABCD
When a = 0, there is no solution
When a = 1, B = 9, C = 8, d = 6
When a = 2, B = 0, C = 0, d = 4

Use 0-9 column, a three digit plus three digit vertical test addition is equal to a four digit, 10 digits can not be used repeatedly, how to column
Use 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 columns, a three digit plus three digit vertical test addition is equal to a four digit, 10 digits can not be used repeatedly, how to column

+ 756
one thousand and ninety-eight