Use 1,3,5,7,9 to form a formula of multiplying three digits by two digits, and write the formula of maximum product

Use 1,3,5,7,9 to form a formula of multiplying three digits by two digits, and write the formula of maximum product


Use 34567 seven numbers to form a three digit multiplied by two digits, which formula will get the largest product

The two largest numbers of 6 and 7 are respectively placed in the highest bit of these two numbers, and the two smallest numbers of 3 and 4 are respectively placed in the bits of these two numbers before adding 5 & nbsp; there are the following possibilities, & nbsp; 63,74... 64,73 after adding 5 & nbsp; there are the following four possibilities, 65374637546547364753 the maximum value is in these four cases, & nbsp

Write a multiplication formula of three digits multiplied by two digits with five numbers 2, 6, 4, 8 and 5 to maximize the product. Can you write this formula and calculate the maximum product?
