A three digit number is not only a multiple of 3, but also a multiple of 5. The number on the ten digit number is the smallest prime number, and the number on the hundred digit number is the multiple of the ten digit number

A three digit number is not only a multiple of 3, but also a multiple of 5. The number on the ten digit number is the smallest prime number, and the number on the hundred digit number is the multiple of the ten digit number

The least common multiple of 3 and 5 = 15
The number in ten is the smallest prime number = 2
So: three digits can be: 120225420525720825

123456789 a number can only be used once. A two digit minus a two digit equals to a two digit equals to a two digit multiplied by a one digit


123456789 becomes a four digit number multiplied by one digit number equals to a four digit number
Please answer immediately


Use the 9 numbers 123456789 to form a 4-digit number and multiply it by a 1-digit number, which is equal to a 4-digit number
Can not repeat any number. To specific solutions

The process is quite troublesome
Let's talk about the general idea, mainly using the exclusion method
(1) Starting from the one digit (multiplier) is the key. It can't be 1, otherwise it will be repeated if it is multiplied by 1. It can't be 5, because the odd digit multiplied by 5 is still 5, which is repeated. The even digit multiplied by 5 is 0, which does not meet the requirements. It can't be 9, because the smallest four digit is 1234, which will get 5 digits if it is multiplied by 9, which does not meet the requirements, Because if the smallest three four digit numbers are 1234, 1243, 1324, 134 × 8, the single digit number is 2, 2 is repeated; if 1243 × 8, the single digit number is 4, 4 is repeated; if 1324 × 8, 5 digits will be generated. Therefore, the multiplier can only be selected from 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
(2) To determine the highest position of the multiplicand, since the minimum multiplier is 2, in order to avoid the product of 5 digits, the multiplicand must be less than 5000, that is to say, the multiplicand is a four digit figure like "4 #######". If the multiplier is 3, the multiplicand is less than 3334. If the multiplier is 4, the multiplicand is less than 2500 According to this calculation
(3) In the second step, suppose that the multiplier is 2, starting from the multiplicand, its single digit is not 1, otherwise the product will be repeated. It will not be 5, otherwise it will be 0. It will not be 6, otherwise 2 × 6 = 12, 2 will be repeated. At this time, the maximum number of the multiplicand is 4
Keep on trying
According to the above methods, we will try to find out the answer

In a subtraction, add up the subtracted, subtracted and difference, and the sum is 900. Do you know what the subtracted is?

The subtracted is 900 △ 2 = 450

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 168, the ratio of the subtracted to the difference is 3:4, and the subtraction is 168______ .

168 △ 2 = 84, 3 + 4 = 7, 84 × 37 = 36; answer: the subtraction is 36; so the answer is: 36

123456789 with + - equals 99


Fill in the appropriate numbers in the brackets to make the formula true
X 4 ( )
3 ( ) ( )
( ) 2 ( ) ( )
1 ( ) ( ) 0( )

(3) () 5X 4 ( )----------------3 ( ) ( )( 1) 2 ( ) ( )----------------1 (2 ) ( ) 0 ( )(3) () 5X 4 (1 )----------------3 ( ) ( 5)( 1) 2 ( ) ( 0)----------------1 (2 ) ( ) 0 ( )(3) (0) 5X 4 ...

Fill in the numbers in the brackets to form an idiom and make the formula true
For example: (2) lose all hurt × (4) big all empty = nonsense (8) way
() mountain () water × solitary bet () throw = () pain () bitterness
The song of Chu is clear and white
() hands () feet × () = up and down

(thousand) mountains (ten thousand) waters × solitary note (one) throw = (thousand) pains (ten thousand) hardships
(4) Tong (8) DA (4) Mian Chu song = (1) Qing (2) Bai
(7) Hand (8) foot × (1) no exhibition = (7) up (8) down

Fill in the brackets with 1-8 (each number must have one time) to make the formula hold () * () = () () () ()

453 * 6 = 2718
582 * 3 = 1746