In 123456789, choose any four digits to form a four digit number, and multiply one of the digits by the other four digits

In 123456789, choose any four digits to form a four digit number, and multiply one of the digits by the other four digits

The answer is: 1963 × 4 = 7852, 1738 × 4 = 6952. To tell you the truth, I had already contacted this topic when I was in primary school. At that time, not to mention our students, even my teachers took a lot of effort to come up with it, which was quite troublesome. I think it is very difficult to solve it as a third grade student in primary school

A two digit minus a two digit equals a two digit and a one digit multiplied by a two digit 1 to 9. These numbers cannot be repeated


1 to 9 can not be repeated, two digits minus two digits equals two digits multiplied by one digit equals two digits


Fill in the box with the 9 numbers of L ~ 9 to make the equation tenable and can't be repeated

According to the stem analysis, we can get: 9 △ 3 × 4 = 12; 5 + 8-7 = 6. So the answer is: 9, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 8, 7, 6

Fill in the following brackets with 123456, each number can only be used once, so that the formula holds. () + () = () + () = () + () = 7


Fill in the appropriate number in to make the formula true

According to the stem analysis, it can be concluded that: 1

Fill in the box with the appropriate number to make the following division true
26 □ □ divided by 9 quotient, below □ □ 4, □ 1 □, □ □ 2,0


Use the six numbers 0123456 to form a formula of three digit divided by two digit. The quotient is the division of one digit (no remainder)

0123456 these are seven numbers, from 1 to 6
162 / 54 = 3
The other similar formulas are 2 to 7
364 / 52 = 7

In a division formula, the divisor is 9. Xiao carelessly looks at the ten digit number and the one digit number of the divisor inversely. The result is that the quotient of the division is 5. What is the correct quotient of this problem

The correct quotient is 6

In a division formula, the divisor is 9. Lingling reverses the ten digit number and the one digit number of the divisor. The result is that the quotient of the divisor is the same as that of the divisor. What is the correct quotient?