There are nine digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and they can be combined into the equation □ - □ = □ - □ = □ - □ - the number can't be repeated It's a minus sign

There are nine digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and they can be combined into the equation □ - □ = □ - □ = □ - □ - the number can't be repeated It's a minus sign

Are you sure it's all minus sign? If so, there's no solution

4-digit multiplication from 1 to 9 cannot be repeated
1 to 9, 9 numbers, constitute a 4-digit multiplication, can only use 1 to 9, not the same 4-digit multiplication

Forget it for a long time. My pen is out of ink. Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu*^__ ^*(laughter)

From 1-9, 9 numbers, fill in the multiplication of a four digit number multiplied by a one digit number, the product is also a four digit number, but the number can not be repeated


In a division formula, the sum of the divisor, divisor and quotient is 454, and the quotient is 4
There is no remainder

Divisor = divisor × quotient = divisor × 4
So the divisor is four times the divisor
What is the sum of divisor and divisor
The divisor is
The divisor is

In a division formula, the sum of the divisor, divisor and quotient is 459, and the quotient is 4. How do you get the sum of the divisor and the divisor?

(459-4) / 5 = 91 (91 is divisor)
Divisor = 455-91 = 364
That is to say, the divisor and the divisor add up to five. The divisor takes four and the divisor takes one
The problems of primary school students need not be so complicated

In a division formula, the quotient of a divided by B is 6 and there is no remainder. The sum of divisor, divisor and quotient is 167

The quotient of a divided by B is 6. If there is no remainder, then a is 6 times of B
The sum of divisor, divisor and quotient is 167
The sum of divisors is 167-6 = 161
Divisor: 161 (1 + 6) = 23
Divisor: 161-23 = 138

Skillful combination of numbers. Use the six numbers of 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 to form a three digit divided by two digit formula. Quotient is the division formula of one digit (no remainder). (each number can only be used once)

Use the six numbers of 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 to form a three digit division by two digits. The quotient is the division of one digit. The formula is: 130 △ 65 = 2

When the letters in the following multiplication formula represent what numbers, the vertical formula holds? AB * Ba = 3154

38 times 83

In the following multiplication formula, each letter represents a number, and different letters represent different numbers. When the formula holds, ABC + ad=

C + B = C, then B = 0
Because a * D has to carry F, so a "2
And a * a does not carry h, so a "3
F + H does not carry, so h is 9
So a = 2, H = 4
C * a must carry F, so c > 5, f = 1, j = F + H = 5
In the combination with 2 multiplicative digits, if one digit is greater than 5, only 6 * 7 and 8 * 9 are left
Because H = 4, so e = / 4, then E = 7
When C = 8, d = 9, g = 6, k = 3 satisfy the original formula
When C = 9, d = 8, g = 8, contradiction
The original formula is
two thousand and eight
eighteen thousand and seventy-two
four thousand and sixteen
fifty-eight thousand two hundred and thirty-two

In the following multiplication formula, when each letter represents a number and a.b.c.d.e.f represents what number respectively, the formula holds? AABC × def = BBBB

BBBBBB = B×111111
Enumeration row
Because 198 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 113367 = 7 × 13 × 37