how to calculate? It is equal to 24 in the end and can't repeat a number emergency how to calculate? It is equal to 24 in the end and can't repeat a number emergency

If you only use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, this problem can't be solved

Use 7,6,8,2 to calculate equal to 24, can't repeat!

7-6 + 2 times 8

How can we calculate that the four numbers are equal to 24

(7+9)*2-8 =24

How can two, seven, five and four numbers be calculated to be equal to 24


In the following multiplication formula, each letter represents a number from 0 to 9, and different letters represent different numbers: as * a = man, which number does a represent

10 * a * a + s * a = 100m + 10A + n. obviously, a can't be 0, 1, 2, 3, and the ten digits of a * s can't exceed A-1. Moreover, the ten digits of 10 * a * a (that is, the number of a square) shouldn't exceed a, otherwise it plus the number of S * a won't get a (even if the largest case 9 + A-1 is not a)

In the formula ab × CD = 1995, different letters represent different numbers

1995 = 3 × 5 × 7 × 19, because it is two digits multiplied by two digits, it may be 57 × 35 or 95 × 21, and because different letters represent different numbers, it can only be 95 × 21, so the sum of the numbers represented by the four letters is 9 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 17

Each letter is a number from 0 to 9. Let the multiplication vertical form form ABCD * 9 -------- DCBA

1089 times 9 = 9801

Find out what numbers the letters in the following formula represent, ABCD * 9 = DCBA

If ABCD is a four digit number, multiply it by 9 to get DCBA or a four digit number, a = 1;
D * 9 is equal to a, so we can see that d = 9; from D * 9, the carry is 8, that is to say, the mantissa after c * 9 plus 8 is equal to B; b * 9 = C, at this moment, B can only be 0, so we can calculate C = 8
So ABCD = 1089

DCBA + ABCD = abcd0, find the number represented by each letter in the formula!

From the question: a + D = 10 analysis: two four digit sum, the maximum will not exceed 19998, so, can be deduced: a = 1, so, d = 9, so the original formula becomes: 9cb1 + 1bc9 = 1bc90, so, look at the number on the ten: B + C + 1 = 9, look at the number on the hundred: C + B = C, you can get: B = 0, C = 8, so, the original formula is: 9801 + 1089 = 1

In the following formula, the same letter represents the same number, and different letters represent different numbers
(a, B, c) × 4 = CDA
