Analytic hierarchy process of modern Chinese The lyrics of drunk breeze are sung by xuanzi~

Analytic hierarchy process of modern Chinese The lyrics of drunk breeze are sung by xuanzi~

Moon (2) color (1 subject predicate) is (2 state) hazy and breeze (1 state) send wine (2 state) too many (2 words and phrases) poem praise drunk life (2 Union) dream death (1 subject predicate) also empty and you (1 state) drunk (2 state) lingering you (1 subject predicate) ever (2 state) remember the wrong (...)

Analysis with modern Chinese analysis
1. I like reading Balzac's novels. 2. Explain history from this point of view. 3. A couple has only one child. 4. When she walks into the teacher, 5. We are required to be present on time

I like reading Balzac's novels. I like reading Balzac's novels. I like reading Balzac's novels. I like reading Balzac's novels

Who knows modern Chinese analytic hierarchy process?
Everyone likes the grapes in Turpan
How to analyze this sentence with analytic hierarchy process? I got it in today's exam, I don't know much about it!

Everyone likes the grapes in Turpan
Subject predicate predicate sentence
Turpan is the attributive of grape, with a partial positive phrase as the subject
Grape is the subject of the whole sentence
Everyone likes is the predicate
Everyone likes to be a subject predicate structure, everyone as the subject, like to be the predicate