What symbols do you have in English but not in Chinese? Urgent!

What symbols do you have in English but not in Chinese? Urgent!

Some punctuation marks in Chinese are not found in English
(1) Dun sign (,): in Chinese, dun sign plays the role of dividing the coordinate components in sentences; in English, there is no Dun sign, and the coordinate components in the dividing sentences are mostly commas
She slowly,carefully,deliberately moved the box.
Note: in similar cases, and can be added after the last comma, and this comma can also be omitted -- she slowly, carefuly (,) and deliberately moved the box
(2) book name ("): there is no book name in English, and the titles of books, newspapers and periodicals are indicated by italics or underscores
Hamlet / Hamlet Hamlet winter's Tale / winter's Tale
The New York Times / the New York Times
In addition, the names of articles, poems, music, movies, paintings and proper nouns of vehicles and spacecrafts are often italicized
(3) interval sign (&;): in Chinese, there is an interval sign, which is used in the middle of the words that need to be separated, such as month and date, transliterated name and surname, such as "one two &; nine", "Audrey &; Hepburn (person's name)". There is no Chinese interval sign in English, so commas are often used when interval is needed
(4) emphasis sign: sometimes in Chinese, solid dots are used to indicate words that need to be emphasized. These solid dots are emphasis signs. However, there is no such sign in English. When we need to emphasize some elements, we can use italics, some emphatic words, special sentence patterns, punctuation pause and other methods
Some punctuation marks in English are not found in Chinese
(1) apostrophe ('): this symbol mainly represents ① possessive case, such as Shakespear's plays / the boy's book; (2) plural number of number, symbol, letter or word itself, such as the teacher had only four A's in his class; (3) omitted letter, number or word, such as let's (= let us) / I've (= I have)
(2) hyphen -- hyphen (-): this symbol is mainly used in the following situations: ① compound words, such as world famous. ② affixes of derivatives and roots or words, such as co worker. ③ between two scores, competitors, place names, names and numbers, it can be translated as "Bi", "Dui", "Zhi" and so on. ④ word line shifting: move words that cannot be written in one line to the next line by syllable, But we must pay attention to: A. monosyllabic words should not be moved. B. inflectional ending, such as - er / - or / - ing, should not be moved. C. numbers and abbreviations should not be moved. D. ambiguous words should not be moved, such as legend should not be moved. E. there should not be only one letter left at the end of the line, such as alone should not be moved to a-lone. F. words with affixes should be moved at the affixes and roots, For example, disappear moves to dis appearance. G. compound words move between compound elements, for example, heart sick moves to heart sick
(3) slash -- virgule or slash (/): this symbol is mainly used for segmentation, such as it could be for staff and / or students. It is also commonly used for phonetics, such as bed / bed /
Some symbols have different forms in Chinese and English
(1) the Chinese full stop is a hollow circle (.), and the English full stop is a solid dot (.)
In American English, if the ellipsis is at the end of a sentence, four dots are used, such as I'd like to... That is... If you don't mind
(3) the dash in English is (-), and the dash in Chinese is (-)
4、 The subtle differences in punctuation between American English and British English
1. The usage of quotation marks: ① the comma and full stop belong to quotation marks are inside quotation marks in American English, while they are mostly outside quotation marks in British English; ② when the quotation is applied again inside quotation marks, double quotation marks are outside and single quotation marks are inside quotation marks in American English, while single quotation marks are outside and double quotation marks are inside quotation marks in British English
2. The usage of colon: ① between hours and minutes, American English uses colon, British English uses full stop; ② in American English, colon is used after address of letter or speech, while comma is used in British English

English translation
Please ring the doorbell
No admittance for idle people in Substation
(this is used at the gate of the substation)

Please ring the bell
Important area of power transformation, No admittance

What are the common signs of English life

P (parking)
Enter / entrance: entry
No smoking
No talking!
Watch your head!