

The People's Republic of China

In C language, what does the symbol (- >) mean and how to use it?

This is a symbol in the structure pointer. Let me write a program to explain it, for example:
Struct STU / / define a structure
int num;
int main()
Struct stu * p; / / defines a struct pointer
P = stu; / / P points to stu
stu.num=100 ; / / attach an initial value to the struct member num
Printf (% d ", P - > Num); / / output the value of num in stu
You can see that the way to do this is to refer to the variables in the structure!
In the form of: P - > structure member (e.g. p - > Num)
His role is equivalent to stu.num Or (* P). Num
I don't know if you understand this explanation,

Symbol bit problem of assembly language
SF = 0, of = 1 indicates that there is overflow. Logically, the real result is positive or negative! = the actual result is positive or negative
Because the actual result is not negative, and of indicates that there is an overflow, then the result is not 0 (why?)
That spillover leads to the actual result is positive, then logically the real result must be negative

When there is overflow, the positive and negative of the result! = the positive and negative of the actual result
Of = 1, SF = 0: the actual result is negative;
Of = 1, SF = 1: the actual result is positive

"Mr. Fujino" question: introduce the meaning of the following words
So light a cigarette, and continue to write some for the "gentleman" by the deep evil words
Add a few words: a gentleman

How about some words?