Mr. Fujino's understanding of the word "boring" Such as the title But our teacher seems to say that because he has no creation in literature, he feels that he has nothing to say to his teacher, which is a kind of modest saying

Mr. Fujino's understanding of the word "boring" Such as the title But our teacher seems to say that because he has no creation in literature, he feels that he has nothing to say to his teacher, which is a kind of modest saying

The author is disappointed and dissatisfied with the dark and chaotic situation after the revolution of 1911 in China, but he is not willing to bring this kind of emotion to his beloved teacher. His expectation of a good teacher can not be satisfied. He uses the word "Jing" to express his infinite regret and guilt, The author's sincere and deep nostalgia for Mr. Fujino is fully displayed

What is the adverbial or marker of time in the past tense

1. Concept: action or state that happened in a certain time in the past; habitual and regular action or behavior in the past; 2. Adverbial of time: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last (year, night, month )In 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long ago, once upon a time, etc, General question: was or were at the beginning of the sentence; ask questions with the past tense did of the auxiliary verb do, and reduce the action verb at the same time

There are no less than five past tense markers

yesterday,the day before yesterday,two days ago,last week/Monday,in 1990/1998/2000,just now,this morning...