Traffic warning signs + English meaning "Draw all kinds of traffic signs or warning signs around the community and write down their meanings."

Traffic warning signs + English meaning "Draw all kinds of traffic signs or warning signs around the community and write down their meanings."

No smoking sign: you can't smoke here
Speed limit sign: you can't drive so quickly
As for the logo how to draw Baidu, you know

What does the sign on the ground mean

What's the meaning of the sign under the ground

How to read the logo

Logo English ['l & # 601; &# 650; ɡ & # 601; &# 650;] beauty [&# 712; Lo & # 716; ɡ O]
The meaning of the icon
Reading in Chinese is the Pinyin Lou Gou

How to read the logo in Chinese

Logo = real estate purchase
Lou + go in English
Study hard. Marking Chinese characters will make you unable to learn. Learn root words