Why do we say that "science and technology are the first productive forces"? Why do we say that science and technology are the concentrated embodiment and main symbol of advanced productive forces

Why do we say that "science and technology are the first productive forces"? Why do we say that science and technology are the concentrated embodiment and main symbol of advanced productive forces

First, science and technology play an important role in economic development. Modern science and technology have penetrated into economic activities and all aspects of social production, which determines that it has become a decisive factor in promoting economic development, Changes have taken place in economic structure, labor structure, industrial structure and management mode
Second, science and technology play the first role in all factors of productive forces. After the Second World War, science and technology entered production with unprecedented scale and speed, making productive forces a complex system. In this system, it not only directly reflects itself as productive forces, but also acts on other factors, improving the quality of workers, promoting the progress of production tools and techniques, Expand the source of labor object and kind, become the main force that promotes social productivity thereby
Third, modern science makes management more and more scientific and modernized. In the development of social productive forces, the organic combination of material elements and human elements is the key to turning potential productive forces into real productive forces. The extensive combination of science and technology with economy makes management an important category of productive forces

Why is science and technology the primary productive force?
Short answer questions

First, science and technology is an important factor and force in promoting the development of modern productive forces. Marx clearly pointed out that the development of machine production requires the conscious application of natural science. "Productive forces also include science" and "labor productive forces develop continuously with the continuous progress of science and technology."

Why is science and technology the first productive force?

First, science and technology is an important factor and force in promoting the development of modern productive forces
Marx clearly pointed out that the development of machine production requires the conscious application of natural science, "science is also included in the productive forces.", "Labor productivity develops with the continuous progress of science and technology." Marx's conclusion has been confirmed by the continuous development of social practice. The basic elements of productivity are the means of production, the object of labor and workers. The means of production is combined with certain science and technology; workers also master certain scientific and technological knowledge The rapid development of technology and its rapid transformation to the real productive forces have changed the workers, tools, objects and management level in the productive forces. The mastery of science and technology by workers has greatly improved people's ability to understand, transform and protect nature, and enhanced their productive and labor capacity, Science and technology has become the key and leading factor to promote the development of productive forces
Second, science and technology is the first factor of modern productivity development and economic growth
In the past, the development of productive forces and economic growth mainly depended on the input of labor, capital and natural resources. With the advent of the era of knowledge economy in modern society, science and technology and intellectual resources have increasingly become the decisive factors for the development of productive forces and economic growth, The development of productive forces and economic growth mainly depend on the power of science and technology, especially from the practice of economic development in developed countries
Third, the leading role of modern science and technology in the development of productive forces
The second technological revolution at the end of the 19th century was a turning point in the change of the relationship among science, technology and production. Before that, the relationship among production, science and technology mainly showed that the development of production promoted technological progress, and then promoted the development of science, On the basis of accumulated production experience, technological invention was explored, and then thermodynamic theory was summarized. Since the second technological revolution marked by the electric power technological revolution, the situation that this kind of production drives the development of science and technology has changed. Now it is science that promotes technological progress, and then promotes the development of production. Science and technology are more and more ahead of social production, For example, the establishment of the theory of electromagnetism first explored the theory of electromagnetism through scientific experiments, and then promoted the revolution of electric power technology, In summing up the development trend of science and technology, Deng Xiaoping profoundly pointed out: "modern science opens up the way for the progress of production technology and determines its development direction, First of all, it was created in the scientific laboratory. "" a large number of historical facts have proved that once theoretical research obtains significant reality, it will bring tremendous progress to production and technology sooner or later. "

The main material sign of the development level of social productive forces is () A. tools of production B. objects of labor C. science and technology D. laborer's technology

Choose C, because science and technology is the first productivity, the level of development of science and technology determines the level of social productivity

Use eight binary bits to represent the following signed integer. If it is negative, please write its original code, inverse code and complement code
126 -100 -46 -127
Seeking process

Original code: decimal to binary method example:
126=0111 1110
-100 = 1110 0100
-46=1010 1110
-127=1111 1111
Inverse code: (the positive number does not change, the negative number sign bit does not change, the other bits are negative)
-100=1001 1011
-46=1101 0001
-127=1000 0000
Complement: (positive number remains unchanged, negative number is inverse + 1)
-100=1001 1100
-46=1101 0010
-127=1000 0001

If several numbers are multiplied, the sign of the product is determined by the number of negative numbers?

If there is 0 in these numbers, then the final result is 0, which has nothing to do with the number of negative numbers

If the product of two numbers is negative, and the sum is also negative, then the two numbers

The absolute value of a negative number is greater than that of a positive number

Finding the sum of two numbers equals to the product of two numbers requires positive and negative numbers

This is very simple. Let's set this number to X
So the square of x = 2x
It's not hard to see that the result is 0 or 2
2+2=2*2=4 0+0=0*0=0

If the product of three numbers is negative, then there is ()
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 d. 1 or 3

Because the product of two negative numbers is positive, the same sign is positive, and the different sign is negative

If the product of two numbers is a positive number, can you tell us what the symbols of the two numbers are? Can you generalize to the situation of multiple numbers multiplying

If the product of two numbers is positive, then the two numbers have the same sign [both positive or both negative]
The general conclusion is that no matter how many positive numbers there are, the odd number of negative numbers will result in negative, and the even number of negative numbers will result in positive. Of course, the premise is that none of them is 0