3, 3, 8 and 8 can not be transposed to make the result equal to 27?

3, 3, 8 and 8 can not be transposed to make the result equal to 27?


The Chinese character code used to store, exchange and process in the computer is called () a international code B internal code c glyph code D location code

Choose B

What symbol should be drawn between a number and its reciprocal

If a and B are reciprocal, then a = B ^ (- 1), or B = a ^ (- 1)

What is the symbol of reciprocal? Can it be expressed by "→"? For example: 3 / 4 → 4 / 3. Or is there a fixed expression?

There should be no specific match
The general topic will use words to express the reciprocal relationship between two numbers, or use a formula, for example: a * b = 1
That is, a and B are reciprocal

What's the symbol for minutes? What's the symbol for hours

Min Min
Hour H

If - A is negative, then a () 0 is filled with ">" and "<" symbols

If - A is negative, then a (>) 0

If | A-B | = | a | - | B |, then the two numbers must be___ A. The same positive number B. the same negative number C. the same non negative number D. the same sign or one is 0 or both are 0

D. The symbols are the same or one is 0 or both are 0

The definition in the complement: "the complement of a negative number is to negate its original code bit by bit, except for the sign bit, and then add 1 to the whole number." what does the whole number add 1 mean?
Is it better to add one (1111111) after 11111110 or not?

It's inverse + 1
Inverse code: the symbol bit (the highest bit) remains unchanged, and the rest are reversed by bit
Complement = inverse + 1

How does bitwise negation come from? - 7's original code (10000111) → bitwise negation (11111000) (negative sign bit unchanged) → plus 1 (11111001)
What is the negative sign bit in (negative sign bit unchanged) → plus 1 (11111001)? In binary system, which means the negative sign bit

Generally speaking, the sign bit is represented by the highest bit, that is, the first 1, 1 is negative, and 0 is positive

Complement of the original code: how to add the sign bit of two inverse codes, and what to do if the two are negative numbers, take - 3-5, - 3 + 5 as an example

The original code and the inverse code are used for complement, not for calculation
The landlord writes - 3 - 5, - 3 + 5 as complements, and then calculates them in binary