The story of the origin of Chinese characters, about 200 words, urgent! Answer in 30 minutes!

The story of the origin of Chinese characters, about 200 words, urgent! Answer in 30 minutes!

The legend of Cangjie's word making
It is said that Cangjie was an official under the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor assigned him to manage the number of livestock in the circle and the amount of food in the village. But slowly, the storage of livestock and food was gradually increasing and changing, and his head could not remember it. Cangjie was in trouble. All day and all night, Cangjie tried to find a way. First, he tied a knot on the rope and used different colors of rope, It's easy to tie a knot on the rope when the number increases, but it's troublesome to untie a knot when the number decreases. Cang Jie thought of looping on the rope and hanging all kinds of shells in the circle instead of what he was in charge of, The Yellow Emperor saw that Cangjie was so capable that he was called in charge of more and more things. The number of annual sacrifices, the distribution of return hunting, and the increase and decrease of the number of tribal people were all called in charge of Cangjie, When they got to a fork in the road, several old people argued about which way to go. One old man insisted on going east, saying there were antelopes; one old man insisted on going north, saying there were deer in front of him; one old man insisted on going west, saying there were two tigers. If he didn't kill them in time, he would miss the chance, It turned out that they all recognized it by looking at the footprints of the underground beasts. Cangjie was overjoyed: since a footprints represents a kind of beast, why can't I use a symbol to express what I am in charge of? He ran home happily and began to create various symbols to express things. Sure enough, he managed things well, He ordered Cangjie to teach this method in various tribes. Gradually, the usage of these symbols was popularized, and the characters were formed. The Yellow Emperor valued Cangjie very much, and everyone praised him, and his reputation became more and more famous. Cangjie's mind became a little hot, and his eyes slowly moved up to his head and heart, and no one looked down upon him, The Yellow Emperor was very angry when the words came to his ears. He couldn't tolerate a minister to go bad. How could Cangjie realize his mistake? The Yellow Emperor called the eldest man around him to discuss. The old man had more than 120 knots on his long beard, indicating that he was in his twenties. The old man pondered for a while, I went to find Cangjie alone. Cangjie was teaching the people of different tribes to read. The old man sat at the end of the conversation and listened as carefully as others. When Cangjie finished speaking, all the others scattered, but the old man didn't go and was still sitting in the old place. Cangjie was a little curious and asked why he didn't go. The old man said, "Cangjie, the word you made is already a household name, but I'm always confused, The old man said, "the word" horse "," donkey "and" mule "you made all have four legs. The word" cow "you made has four legs. How come the word" cow "you made doesn't have four legs and only has one tail?" when Cang Jie heard it, he said, I was a little flustered: when I first made the word "fish", it was written like "cow", and when I made the word "cow", it was written like "fish". I blame my carelessness for teaching it upside down. The old man then said, "the word" Zhong "you made means that it's thousands of miles away. You should read the word" Chu "from afar, but you teach people to read the word" Zhong "by weight, The word "Chu" of the two mountains is supposed to be the word "Zhong" of weight, but you taught it to be the word "Chu" of going far away. These words are really hard for me to figure out, so I have to ask you for advice. "At this time, Cangjie was so ashamed that he knew that he had made a big mistake because of his pride. These words have been taught to all tribes, spread all over the world, and can't be changed, The old man took Cangjie by the hand and said sincerely, "Cangjie, you have created a word so that the experience of our older generation can be recorded and passed on. You have done a great good deed, and people will remember you for generations, but you can't be arrogant!" from then on, every time Cangjie made a word, he would have to examine the meaning of the word again and again and ask for people's opinions, Don't be careless at all. It's settled only when everyone agrees, and then it's spread to every tribe gradually
It is said in ancient books that Cangjie had "four eyes of the dragon, born with wisdom." it is said that at the beginning, Cangjie also used a knot to record events. Although the knot was different in size and shape, it was difficult to distinguish it because of its age and depth. This once caused the failure of a negotiation between the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor. For this reason, Cangjie felt guilty, so he resigned his official post and went out to visit the wise people to seek a good way to record events. A few years later, he returned to his hometown and lived alone in the deep ditch in the West of the village, Looking up at the trend of Kuixing huanqu, looking down at the texture of turtle's back, the claw marks of birds and animals, the appearance of mountains and rivers, and the fingerprints of palms, we are enlightened. According to the shape of things, we created hieroglyphs, which opened a new era of human civilization. There are four front halls of Cangjie temple in Baishui, Shaanxi Province, with a small ear room on each side and a hard mountain structure, There are steles of Cangjie characters, steles of renovating Cangjie temple, These steles are reliable historical records of Cangjie temple. Among them, the stele of Cangjie temple in Han Dynasty, the stele of Guangwu general in Fu Qin Dynasty, the stele of cangsheng bird trace in Qing Dynasty, the stele of Canggong in Song Dynasty, the stele of Canggong in Tang Dynasty and the stele of Confucius disciples in Wei Dynasty are all famous steles in the history of steles, In terms of calligraphy art and cultural relic value, it is an important part of the ancient culture and art of Cangjie temple. It has gone through various dynasties. Not only can we see the development process of the stele, but also it is a complete history of Cangjie temple. Among them, the stele of Cangjie temple is the earliest stele in the country. The stele of Guangwu general is the only stele in Fu and Qin Dynasties, No wonder Zhao Mingcheng in Song Dynasty, Kang Youwei and Yu Youren in modern times all fell in love with his calligraphy. Qianlong's cangsheng bird trace calligraphy stele in Qing Dynasty was made by Liang Shanchang, the magistrate of Baishui County, who copied 28 characters of Cangjie's writings, There are only twenty-eight characters in existence. These twenty-eight characters were deciphered in the Song Dynasty as "Wu Ji a and B, the first to share friends, the last to list the world, Qi Guang Ming, Zuo Hu x Jia, Shou Chishui Zun, Ge Mo Fu". The twenty-eight characters themselves already contain the pictograph, understanding and so on in the formation of Chinese characters, such as "lie, Qi, Ming, Zun" and so on, There are also some characters that are the same as those in oracle bone inscriptions. On the surface, the twenty eight characters on the stele are not related to each other, but after careful study, they record a period of history of the Yellow Emperor. According to the five elements and eight trigrams, the East is jiayimu, and the central part is wujitu. According to the records of the five emperors, the Emperor Yan has holy virtue, the king of huodewang, the Yellow Emperor has the auspicious virtue of the earth, and the earth is yellow, So "Wuji" stands for the Yellow Emperor, and "a and B" stands for the Yan Emperor. "The two emperors of Yan and Huang are both tribal leaders, and what they do is a model for all the small tribes in the world." zuohux family, respected by Chishui, Ge spear cauldron Fu "describes the Yellow Emperor's conquest of the Yan Emperor and the peace of the world, and the people's living and working in peace and contentment, In addition, in the mountain gate, the front hall, the middle hall and the bedroom hall, there are plaques made by you Ren, Qiu Xing and Xie Deping to admire the spirit of Cangjie

The origin of a Chinese character, the answer to 30 words, to have the kind of ancient words

In our Chinese characters, hieroglyphs were first produced. Hieroglyphs were born out of pictures. For example, sheep characters were first used to draw a picture of a whole sheep. Later, with the development of production and frequent contacts, people didn't have time to draw so detailed pictures, so they just drew a sheep's head instead

I would like to ask 200 words of the Spring Festival

Spring Festival is one of the most grand and lively traditional festivals in China. It is commonly known as "Chinese New Year". Spring Festival is the beginning of the lunar calendar. It is also an ancient traditional festival in China. It is a festival of spring. When spring comes, everything will be renewed, A new round of sowing and harvesting season will start again. Another name of Spring Festival is Chinese New Year. What is "Nian"? An imaginary animal that brings bad luck to people. When "Nian" comes, the trees wither and the grass does not grow. When "Nian" comes, all things grow and flowers are everywhere. So, before the festival, the New Year message with red paper and yellow characters is pasted on the door face, Spring Festival is the most grand and lively traditional festival in China

My composition with Chinese characters (250 WORDS)

Like a lively and lovely elves, beating on the checkered paper, composing a moving song of Chinese characters; like a clear little pen, flowing through the tip of the pen, a masterpiece suddenly appeared on the paper

The origin of Chinese characters (about 100 characters)
Tonight! 50 words!

The origin of Chinese characters from the ancient legend of Cangjie to the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions more than 100 years ago, Chinese scholars have been trying to uncover the mystery of the origin of Chinese characters

The story about the origin of Chinese characters is about 500 words

The legend of Cangjie's word making
It is said that Cangjie was an official under the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor assigned him to manage all kinds of important affairs. So he was thinking of ways every day
One day, he saw some old people arguing about which way to go. One wanted to go east, saying there were antelopes; one wanted to go north, saying there were deer; one wanted to go west, saying there were tigers. They all said it by looking at the footprints of wild animals on the ground. So he began to use various symbols to express things. He managed things very well
After the Yellow Emperor knew, he ordered Cangjie to teach this method. In this way, characters were born
Every time Cangjie made a word, he had to go over the meaning of the word and ask for people's opinions. He didn't dare to be careless at all

The story of the origin of Chinese characters

The origin of Chinese characters is handed down. A long time ago, Cangjie was the historian of the emperor. He had the same face as a dragon and four bright eyes. He especially liked to observe things around him. He also liked to use his brain or think about problems. He looked up every day to observe the changes of stars in the sky, to see the patterns on the turtle's back and the feathers of birds

Math story must not exceed 20 words
No, don't talk nonsense. Don't talk too much

When Gauss was in primary school, once after the teacher taught addition, because the teacher wanted to have a rest, he put forward a question for the students to calculate
1+2+3+ .+97+98+99+100 =
The teacher is thinking, now the children must count to the end of the class! Just about to excuse out, but Gauss stopped! Originally, Gauss has figured out, children, do you know how he counted?
Gauss tells you how he worked it out: add 1 to 100 and 100 to 1 in two