101-102 = 1 only change the position of one of the numbers to make it true, and the single operation symbol cannot be changed

101-102 = 1 only change the position of one of the numbers to make it true, and the single operation symbol cannot be changed

Move 2 up a little bit to make 101 minus the square of 10 equals 1
The square of 10 is 100
So: 101-100 = 1

Given that a, B and C are all negative numbers, and | x-a | + | y-b | + | z-c | = 0, try to judge the sign of XY / Z
If a and B are opposite to each other, C and D are reciprocal to each other, and the absolute value of M is 2, find the value of (a + B + CD) M-Cd

From the question we can get: x-a = 0, y-b = 0, z-c = 0
So think x, y, Z are all negative numbers
Then XY / Z is negative
According to the problem, a + B = 0, CD = 1, M = ± 2
When m = 2, (a + B + CD) M-Cd = (0 + 1) × 2-1
When m = - 2, (a + B + CD) M-Cd = (0 + 1) × - 2-1

What operation symbol should be added between the four numbers 7 3 3 = 24? And the position cannot be changed
What operation symbol should be added to the four numbers 7, 3, 3 = 24? And the position can't be changed,

You can add a root sign. No, if you can add a root sign, (7 × 7) × 3 + 3 = 24

The quadratic function f (x) = x2 + X + a (a > 0), if f (m) 0), if f (m)

∴m(m+1) <-a
∵ a > 0, and m < m + 1
That is: F (M + 1) = (M + 1) &# 178; + (M + 1) + a > 0
Choose a

Change the position of only one digit, make the equation hold 101-102 = 1, and the operation sign does not change
Only change the position of one digit to make the following equation 101 - 102 = 1, but the operation sign cannot be changed

Let 2 in 102 be an exponent, that is, the square of 101-10 = 1

What do these symbols on the interface mean?

This is the 5.1, 6.1, 7.1 sound card (it means that the sound card supports several channels). You should be the kind of 5.1 sound card. According to the order shown in the figure, from left to right, from top to bottom
1. Front left speaker output)
)These two are either left or right. I don't know the direction when you take a picture
2. Front right speaker output)
3. Microphone input or center speaker output (this interface is shared)
4. Forget this symbol. It may be a headset
5. Center speaker output PS: Generally speaking, the sound card does not support many functions, which are suitable for our ordinary people. Generally speaking, the speaker is connected to the front left and right output terminals

Please fill in the operation symbol between the four numbers 2, 4, 5 and 8 so that their calculation result is 24


The positions of two reciprocal number symbols (), () and () are exchanged

Two reciprocal number symbols (same), (numerator) and (denominator) are exchanged

Two reciprocal numbers must have the same sign?


What is the sign of the reciprocal of a sine

Sine: sin = sine, cosine: cos = cosine, tangent: Tan = tangent, Cotangent: cot = cotangent = the reciprocal secant of Tan: sec = secant = the reciprocal cosecant of COS: CSC = cosecant = the reciprocal of sin. These are international common practices