The origin and origin of Chinese characters 50 words, fast~~~~~~~~~

The origin and origin of Chinese characters 50 words, fast~~~~~~~~~

There are many versions of the origin of Chinese characters
From the eight trigrams theory, Xu Shen's preface to Shuowen Jiezi in the Eastern Han Dynasty said: "in ancient times, the king of Baoxi was also in the world. When he looked up, he could observe the image of heaven. When he looked down, he could observe the law of the earth. When he looked at the appropriateness of the literature of birds and animals, he could get close to the body. So he began to write the eight trigrams in the book of changes, in order to hang the image of the constitution."
Hetu Luoshu said that this is a typical representative of the word God
According to the theory of knot rope, ShuoWenJieZi: "in ancient times, the rule was made by knot rope, and later sages changed it by deed."
Carve Qi said that the ancients from the rope to carve symbols to record events, and then systematized into Chinese characters
In Shuowen Jiezi, Cang Jie, a historian of the Yellow Emperor, saw the traces of birds and animals' hoofs. He knew that the principles of division could be different, and he first created the deed of writing

The design program inserts "+" or "-" to the left of "123456789 = 100" to make the equation hold. For example, 123 + 45-67 + 8-9 = 100
Write program process, can run in VC environment

The procedure is as follows:
char op,str[80];
int i,j,s,n,m,ptr;
for (i=0;i

About 50 words about the origin of the Spring Festival

On September 27, 1949, the people's Republic of China was founded. At the first plenary session of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, it was adopted to use the universal Gregorian calendar era. The first day of the first month of the Gregorian calendar was designated as new year's day, commonly known as the Gregorian year; the first day of the first lunar month was usually around the beginning of spring, so the first day of the first lunar month must be called "Spring Festival", commonly known as the lunar year
More than 100 words, not in short

There is a mathematical problem, from 123456789 to insert a minus sign, three plus signs, the final result is 72?


For any non-zero natural number x, y, the symbol * is specified to represent an operation, and X * y = x + Y / 2XY, 4 * 5

Take 4 as X and 5 as y. substitute x * y = x + Y / 2XY, 4 * 5 = (4 + 5) / (2 * 4 * 5) = 9 / 40

Inside the brackets is a minus sign, outside the brackets is a plus sign, remove the brackets to change the sign

Invariant sign
As long as the front of the brackets, that is, the outside is a positive sign, you can go directly to the brackets
If the bracket is preceded by a minus sign, you need to change the sign

For any non-zero natural number x, y, X △ y = 2XY / x + y, if x △ 3 = 3, find X


How to get rid of brackets: a - (- B + C)? Do two minus signs need to be changed into a plus sign?

Removing brackets means that the minus sign and the plus sign inside the brackets change sign
It turns out to be

For any nonzero natural number x, y, X △ y = x + Y / 2XY, if x △ 3 = 3, find X


Do you want to change the plus sign into the minus sign

When there is a plus sign before the brackets, the brackets and the plus sign are removed, and each item in the brackets does not change the sign
When there is a minus sign before the brackets, the brackets and the minus sign are removed, and the sign of each item in the brackets has to be changed,
This is to bracket rule, in junior high school calculation in the application of a lot, hope to help you oh