Simple calculation of 13.6 × 108-136 × 7.2 + 36 × 86.4

Simple calculation of 13.6 × 108-136 × 7.2 + 36 × 86.4


Recursive equation calculation (can be simple is simple), formula calculation
1、 Recursive equation calculation
2、 Formula calculation
1. A number more than 6 times 2 is 74. How much is a number more than 2 times 6?
What's the product of 2.48 plus 60 and 25 minus 13?
(Note: the answer format is as follows:
One / 1., one / 2
Two / 1., two / 2
(and so on)

AI Mi Xian Jian 1, 1, 56 × 33 + 56 × 66 + 99 × 44 = 56 × (33 + 66) + 99 × 44 = 56 × 99 + 99 × 44 = 99 × (56 + 44) = 99 × 100 = 99002, 102 × 369-369 = 369 × (102-1) = 369 × 101 = 369 × (100 + 1) = 369 × 100 + 369 = 36900 + 369 = 372693, 102 × 45 + 45-3 × 45 = 45

155 + 264 + 36 + 44 = () simple calculation of recurrence equation


Several recursive equations calculation
1、2/5×0.375+2/5÷0.625 2、1/2÷[3/5×(4/3+5/6÷1/5)] 3、3.14+31.4×6²
4. One by half + two by one-third + three by one-quarter + +Eight times one in nine
5. 1-half-quarter-eighth - -1 / 32 6, 11 × 11 + 12 × 12-19 × 19
7、[0.6×(5/6+1/6÷3)]×3/4 8.(0.375÷0.125)×(7/8÷0.625)
If it can be simple, it can't be simple and direct

2/5×0.375+2/5×0.625…………………… It can be simply calculated as 2 / 5 × (0.375 + 0.625) = 2 / 51 / 2 △ 3 / 5 × (4 / 3 + 5 / 6 △ 1 / 5)] = 1 / 2 △ 3 / 5 × 4 / 3 + 3 / 5 × 5 / 6 × 5)] = 1 / 2 △ 4 / 5 + 5 / 2 = 1 / 2 × 10 / 33 = 5 / 333.14 + 3

Simple calculation of two recursive equations
1.242424*132132 7(1/5)-6(1/4)+5(1/3)
———————— ——————————————
288288*666666 7(1/5)+3(1/3)-4(1/4)

(360-144÷12)×30 =(360-12)x30=348x30=10440
576÷[ ( 76 - 68)×6 ] =576/48= 12
720÷[ (12 + 24)×20] = 720/36/20=1
640÷[( 96 - 80 )×4 ]=640/64=10

50 simple calculation (recursive equation) 50 solution equations
It's better to write clearly with interval and answer,

3X+18=52 x=34/34Y+11=22 y=11/43X*9=5 x=5/278Z/6=48 z=363X+7=59 x=52/34Y-69=81 y=75/48X*6=5 x=5/487Z/9=4 y=63/715X+8-5X=54 x=4.65Y*5=27 y=27/408x+2=10 x=1x*8=88 x=11y-90=1 y=912x-98=2 x=506x*6=12 x=1/3...

Recursive equation calculation. Can be simple to be simple
(6 and 1 / 2-3 and 3 / 4) / (13 + 11 and 1 / 5)
3.3 × [38 + 3 and 1 / 5 △ (1 and 3 / 4-0.15)]

Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3
(6 and 1 / 2-3 and 3 / 4) / (13 + 11 and 1 / 5)
Solution 4
3.3 × [38 + 3 and 1 / 5 ÷ (1 and 3 / 4-0.15)]

Recursive equation calculation
25 and 3 / 5-2 and 3 / 4-7.25
36 * (1 / 9 + 1 / 3-1 / 6)

7.84 * 99 + 7.84 = 7.84 * (99 + 1) = 7.84 * 100 = 78425 and 3-2 and 3-7.25 = 25.6 - (2 and 3 / 4 + 7 and 1 / 4) = 25.6-10 = 15.612.5 * 0.25 * 1.6 = 12.5 * 8 * 0.25 * 0.2 = 100 * 0.05 = 536 * (1 / 9 + 1 / 6) = 36 * 1 / 9 + 36 * 1 / 3-36 * 1 / 6 = 4 + 12-6 = 10

Simple calculation of recurrence equation
2001÷( 1999/2000)

2001÷( 1999/2000)
=2002 / 2 / 1999

How to calculate fraction subtraction? And the operation process of integer fraction subtraction, such as: 11-7 / 2 =?
