The oral arithmetic problem of the distributive law of mixed fraction operation in grade five

The oral arithmetic problem of the distributive law of mixed fraction operation in grade five

1.3/7 × 49/9 - 4/3
2.8/9 × 15/36 + 1/27
3.12× 5/6 – 2/9 ×3
4.8× 5/4 + 1/4
5.6÷ 3/8 – 3/8 ÷6
6.4/7 × 5/9 + 3/7 × 5/9
7.5/2 -( 3/2 + 4/5 )
8.7/8 + ( 1/8 + 1/9 )
9.9 × 5/6 + 5/6
10.3/4 × 8/9 - 1/3
11.7 × 5/49 + 3/14
12.6 ×( 1/2 + 2/3 )
13.8 × 4/5 + 8 × 11/5
14.31 × 5/6 – 5/6
15.9/7 - ( 2/7 – 10/21 )
16.5/9 × 18 – 14 × 2/7
17.4/5 × 25/16 + 2/3 × 3/4
18.14 × 8/7 – 5/6 × 12/15
19.17/32 – 3/4 × 9/24
20.3 × 2/9 + 1/3
21.5/7 × 3/25 + 3/7
22.3/14 ×× 2/3 + 1/6
23.1/5 × 2/3 + 5/6
24.9/22 + 1/11 ÷ 1/2
25.5/3 × 11/5 + 4/3
26.45 × 2/3 + 1/3 × 15
27.7/19 + 12/19 × 5/6
28.1/4 + 3/4 ÷ 2/3
29.8/7 × 21/16 + 1/2
30.101 × 1/5 – 1/5 × 21
31.50+160÷40 (58+370)÷(64-45)
36.178-145÷5×6+42 420+580-64×21÷28
37.812-700÷(9+31×11) (136+64)×(65-345÷23)
43.0.12× 4.8÷0.12×4.8
44.(3.2×1.5+2.5)÷1.6 (2)3.2×(1.5+2.5)÷1.6
45.6-1.6÷4= 5.38+7.85-5.37=
46.7.2÷0.8-1.2×5= 6-1.19×3-0.43=
47.6.5×(4.8-1.2×4)= 0.68×1.9+0.32×1.9
51.[(7.1-5.6)×0.9-1.15] ÷2.5
53.12×6÷(12-7.2)-6 (4)12×6÷7.2-6
I searched everywhere, too

Help me out the Beijing Normal University edition of primary school fourth grade volume II application problems, decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
The more, the better,

3.5+222.3= 215.4_ 203.03= 1212.23+620.5= 23.568+2=
The test paper of mathematics practical problems in Grade Four
1. The fourth and fifth grade students collected 18.6 kg of tree species. The fourth grade collected 2.5 kg less than the fifth grade. How many kg of tree species were collected in the two grades?
2. A workshop used to use 2450 kW / h of electricity per month. After carrying out the saving activities, it can use 2 more months of electricity per year. How many kW / h of electricity can this workshop save per month?
3. The students take part in tree planting. There are 96 students in grade 4, each planting 3 trees. There are 87 students in Grade 5, each planting 4 trees. How many more trees are planted in Grade 5 than in grade 4?
4. The scores of the six students in the first group are 86, 79, 98, 100, 89 and 94 respectively. What is their average score?
A car travels 135 kilometers in three hours, and the speed of an airplane is 28 times that of a car, which is less than 60 kilometers. How many kilometers does this airplane travel per hour?
6. A garment factory produces 850 suits in 5 days. How many suits does it produce in a month? (30 days for a month)
Seven stores brought 8 baskets of apples and 12 baskets of pears, 38 kg per basket of apples and 42 kg per basket of pears. How many kg of fruit did the store bring?
8. Xiao Hua and Xiao Lin have 12 pencils in total, and Xiao Gang and Xiao Hong have 20 pencils in total. How many pencils do they have on average?
9. Three looms weave 336 meters in 4 hours. According to this calculation, how many meters does one loom weave in 8 hours?
10. The construction site needs 240 tons of cement, which will be transported by 5 vehicles, 3 tons each time by each vehicle. How many times will it take to complete the transportation
11. The distance between a and B is 750 km. How many hours can a car reach B at the speed of 50 km per hour
The third and fourth grades of 12 primary school need to water 620 trees. In the third grade, 40 trees are watered every day for 8 days. In the fourth grade, the rest are watered in 5 days. How many trees are watered every day?
The distance between a and B is 560 kilometers. One car goes from a to B for 48 kilometers per hour, and the other car goes from B to a for 32 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers is the distance between the two cars after 5 hours?
14. A section of highway was originally planned to be completed in 20 days. In fact, it is 45 meters more than the original plan every day, and the task is completed five days ahead of schedule. How many meters is the original plan to build every day?
15. A has 14.8 yuan, B has 15.2 yuan, two people want to buy a football, the price of a football is two times the sum of their money, how much is a football, how much is the difference between them?
16. A machine can plough 15 hectares of land in 3 hours. According to this calculation, how many hours does it take to plough 75 hectares of land with 5 machines?
17. There are 14 cases of duck eggs in the store. After selling 250 kg, there are still 4 cases and 20 kg left. How many kg are there in each case?
18. Guangming primary school donated 240 books to students in mountainous areas. The fourth grade donated 240 books. The fifth grade donated twice as many as the fourth grade. The sixth grade donated 120 more books than the fifth grade. How many books did each grade donate on average?
19. The grain store carries in 20 bags of rice and flour, each bag of rice is 90 kg, and each bag of flour is 25 kg. How many kg more rice is brought in than flour? (answer in two ways)
20. The two ropes are 48.4 meters long in total. After cutting 6.4 meters from the first one, the second one is 6 meters more than the remaining two times of the first one. How long are the two ropes?

After a lot of experience, I suddenly realized that Zhang Guanli and Dai had the meaning of pondering, and made sentences

[experience: full, full; experience: experience; experience: hard life. It describes having experienced all kinds of difficulties and hardships. [sudden realization]: it describes a person who suddenly understands something, suddenly wakes up, and suddenly becomes enlightened

What is the original meaning of deliberation?

It refers to the process of thinking word by word in writing. It refers to the process of thinking over and over again in writing or doing something. This word comes from an allusion of Jia Dao

My story

Jia Dao, a poet of Tang Dynasty, is good at writing five character poems
One day, when he was walking on a donkey, he suddenly thought of two poems: "the bird sleeps in the tree by the pool, and the monk knocks at the door under the moon." he first wanted to use the word "push" and changed it to "knock", and then he thought that the word "push" was also good. In this way, Jia Dao pushed and knocked on the donkey's back with his hand, and he was not sure for a moment
When Han Yu, the governor of Kyoto, went out, Jia Dao thought only about it. He walked into Han Yu's guard of honor and was pulled in front of Han Yu. When Han Yu asked him what was the matter, Jia Dao told him that he thought of the poem and could not decide which word to use. Han Yu was a great writer. After listening to Jia Dao, he began to ponder, Han Yu said to Jia Dao, "it's better to use knock words." later, people used "deliberate" to refer to deliberate words and sentences and think over and over again

What is the story of deliberation?

Jia Dao of Tang Dynasty is a famous poet of Ku Yin school. What is Ku Yin school? It is for a poem or a word in the poem. Jia Dao once wrote a poem in a few years. After the poem was finished, he burst into tears, not only happy, but also distressed himself

The story of "deliberation"

One day, Jia Dao thought of two poems: "the bird sleeps in the tree by the pool, and the monk knocks at the door of the moon." he also wanted to use the word "push", but he couldn't make up his mind. When he met Han Yu, Han Yu thought "knock" was good. So they became friends

The origin of the word "deliberation"
Is it from Jiadao

Jia Dao of Tang Dynasty is a famous poet of Ku Yin school. What is Ku Yin school? It is for a poem or a word in the poem. Jia Dao once wrote a poem in a few years. After the poem was finished, he burst into tears. He was not only happy, but also distressed. Of course, he didn't work so hard every time, Once, Jia Dao rode a donkey into official life. He was pondering over a poem. The whole poem is as follows: living in the neighborhood, grass path into the wasteland garden, birds staying in the trees by the pool, monks knocking at the door under the moon, crossing the bridge to distinguish colors, moving rocks to move the roots of clouds. He is still here for the time being, but he has another place that he can't make up his mind, That's the second sentence of "monk pushes the moon down the door". But he thinks that pushing is not suitable, so it's better to knock it. He talks about it carefully. Unconsciously, he rides a donkey into the honor guard of Han Yu, a senior official. Han Yu asks Jia Dao why he intrudes. Jia Dao reads his poem to Han Yu, but one of the sentences is "pushing", Han Yu laughed and said to Jia Dao, "I think it's better to knock. If the door is closed, how can I push it open? Besides, it's evening when I go to other people's home. It's polite to knock! Moreover, the word" knock "makes more noise when the night is quiet, Jia Dao not only didn't get punished this time, but also made friends with Han Yu. From then on, deliberation has become a popular word, which means repeatedly pondering and pondering when writing or doing things, The monk knocks at the door of the moon. "He also wants to" push "the word, but it's not settled. He recites it on the donkey, and leads his hand to make a deliberate gesture. The audience is surprised. When Han retreats, Jing Zhaoyin has the right to retreat, and the horse is just out of the way. The island doesn't feel the third stanza, and it's still a gesture. Russia supports Yin from the left and right, Jia Dao took part in the imperial examination for the first time and went to Beijing. One day, he thought of two poems on the donkey's back: "the bird sleeps in the tree by the pool, and the monk knocks at the door of the moon." he also wanted to use the word "Tui" to replace the word "knock". After repeated thinking, he chanted on the donkey's back, At that time, Han Yu was promoted to the post of acting governor of the capital, and Jia Dao went straight to the third section of the guard of honor, Jia Dao answered in detail the poem he was brewing. He was not sure whether to use the word "push" or "knock". He left the things in front of him and didn't know how to avoid them. Han Yu stopped and thought for a while, He said to Jia Dao, "it's good to use the word" knock. "So they rode back home side by side and talked about the method of composing poems together. They were reluctant to leave each other for several days. (Han Yu) so they formed a deep friendship with Jia Dao
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The origin of the word "deliberation"

It's a story
One day, Jia Dao was in Chang'an, the capital city, riding a donkey on the street and chanting a poem
"The bird sleeps in the tree in the pool, and the monk pushes the door under the moon."
Jia Dao felt that the word "Tui" in the poem was not used properly enough. He wanted to change the word "Tui" to "knock", but he didn't know which word was better for a moment. So, while thinking about it, he repeatedly pushed and knocked on the door with his hand. When people in the street saw Jia Dao's expression, they were very surprised
When Han Yu saw it, he said to Jia Dao angrily, "why don't you ride a donkey with your head down and look ahead?"
Jia Dao, surprised, got off the donkey in a hurry and apologized to Han Yu