Confucius is the greatest philosopher in ancient China?

Confucius is the greatest philosopher in ancient China?

Old people

A brief introduction to a story in journey to the West (about 400 words)

Kill monkey pig and monk Sha

The story of journey to the West 200 words

It was autumn, and everyone was very surprised. After inquiring, they found out that there was a flame mountain in front of them, with no grass growing in an area of 800 Li. They also heard from the young cake seller that if they wanted to cross the mountain, they had to borrow a banana fan from Princess Tiefan to put out the fire. Sikong arranged for his master to go to Bajiao cave to find the iron fan

Journey to the West in the story of at least 300 words

Aolai has a Huaguo Mountain and a stone on the top of the mountain. It gives birth to a monkey. The stone monkey seeks to learn from his teacher and is named the monkey king. He learns seventy-two changes. He can do one somersault a hundred thousand miles and calls himself "Monkey King". He steals the sea God needle and turns it into a ruyi golden cudgel. It can be big or small and weighs thirteen thousand five hundred jin