What is the specific meaning of Confucius' words in Jinggong's time When Confucius heard it, he said, "Yanzi can understand what he wants, Jinggong can do what he does well." what is the specific meaning

What is the specific meaning of Confucius' words in Jinggong's time When Confucius heard it, he said, "Yanzi can understand what he wants, Jinggong can do what he does well." what is the specific meaning

Yanzi can clarify his wish, Jinggong can carry out the moral policy he realized

How do you understand Confucius' saying that "a man can't stand without faith" based on the story of Zeng Zi killing a pig

Honesty refers to loyalty, honesty, consistency between words and deeds, and consistency between the outside and the inside. Keeping promise refers to speaking and doing things in good faith, promising other people's things, conscientiously fulfilling their promises and doing what they say. A man can't stand without faith. Confucius said in the Analects of Confucius: "a man without faith, I don't know what he can do". It means that if a man doesn't keep his word, he can't do anything, He warned us to be loyal and trustworthy
Since ancient times, there have been numerous examples of honesty and trustworthiness. Confucius taught his disciples to be honest as early as 2000 years ago. In learning, they said they knew what they knew, and they said they didn't know what they didn't know. Song Lian's overnight copy of books, Zeng Shen's honesty and trustworthiness to teach his son, and Ji Bu Yi Nuo's thousands of gold are also the eternal talks about honesty and trustworthiness, Zengzi's story of killing a pig and teaching his son sincerely is especially praiseworthy. The story tells of a man named Zengzi who was a student of Confucius in ancient times. Once, Zengzi's wife wanted to go shopping in the market, and the youngest son cried out to go too. Zengzi's wife said to the child, "you're good to wait for your mother at home. When your mother comes back, she asks your father to kill the pig baby for you to eat, When she saw Zeng Zi sharpening his knife and preparing to kill a pig, she said to Zeng Zi in a hurry, "I'm just playing with my child, and the baby pig can't be killed." Zeng Zi said, "you can't play with your child when you talk to him. A child is not sensible. He learns everything from his parents. If his mother doesn't keep his promise, he will break his promise. He can't go back on his promise.", Although Zeng Zi's practice was ridiculed by some people at that time, he educated an honest and trustworthy child. The story of Zeng Zi's killing pig has been handed down to this day, and his character has always been respected by future generations

What is the meaning of Confucius' saying "what is crude" quoted at the end of "humble chamber inscription"?

What's crude: what's crude? The auxiliary word, without real meaning, is the sign of the preposition of the object. The whole sentence means "what's crude". See the Analects of Confucius · Zihan: "Zi wants to live in Jiuyi, or" crude, what's it like? "Confucius said:" the gentleman lives in Jiuyi, what's crude? "Confucius thought that although Jiuyi is crude, if there is a gentleman living there, it's not