English translation In ancient times, scholars were self-employed to make up for their shortcomings; in modern times, scholars are human beings, but they can say so. In ancient times, scholars acted in the interests of the world Today's scholars are self-cultivation and self-improvement. Scholars are still planting trees, playing in spring and climbing in autumn Hua also, self-cultivation and practice, autumn also. When you are young, you have a unique spirit. When you have grown up, you need to think freely and teach early. When I was seven years old, I recited Lingguang As for today's "Ode to the temple", it's not forgotten after ten years of reasoning, but after twenty years, the Scriptures are abandoned in one month, and then they become desolate. however A man has his faults. When he is lost in his prime of life, he should still study in his later years. He should not abandon himself. The sage's book is a kind of teaching. However, it is necessary to practice the Scriptures clearly and annotate the meaning roughly, so that the words and deeds can be obtained. Why is it necessary to "zhongniju" that is, to use two pieces of paper to explain the meaning? What's the point of Yan's lecture hall? Is it better to win? Time is a pity, like passing water. When the Expo is important, it can help us to make great achievements; it can also be beautiful, and I have no time. Just these, not all.

English translation In ancient times, scholars were self-employed to make up for their shortcomings; in modern times, scholars are human beings, but they can say so. In ancient times, scholars acted in the interests of the world Today's scholars are self-cultivation and self-improvement. Scholars are still planting trees, playing in spring and climbing in autumn Hua also, self-cultivation and practice, autumn also. When you are young, you have a unique spirit. When you have grown up, you need to think freely and teach early. When I was seven years old, I recited Lingguang As for today's "Ode to the temple", it's not forgotten after ten years of reasoning, but after twenty years, the Scriptures are abandoned in one month, and then they become desolate. however A man has his faults. When he is lost in his prime of life, he should still study in his later years. He should not abandon himself. The sage's book is a kind of teaching. However, it is necessary to practice the Scriptures clearly and annotate the meaning roughly, so that the words and deeds can be obtained. Why is it necessary to "zhongniju" that is, to use two pieces of paper to explain the meaning? What's the point of Yan's lecture hall? Is it better to win? Time is a pity, like passing water. When the Expo is important, it can help us to make great achievements; it can also be beautiful, and I have no time. Just these, not all.

The purpose of ancient scholars is to enrich themselves and make up for their own shortcomings. Today's scholars are to show off their talents to others, and they can only show off their talents to others. In ancient times, scholars were to promote their own ideas for the benefit of the society for the sake of all people. Now, scholars are to cultivate their virtue and become officials for their own needs. Learning is like planting fruit trees, You can enjoy its flowers in spring and pick its fruits in autumn
When I was seven years old, I recited the ode to Lingguang temple. Today, I review it every ten years, but I still don't forget it. After 20 years old, the Scriptures I recited are abandoned when I leave them there for a month, If you lose the chance to study in your prime, you should study in your later years
Sage's book is used to educate people. As long as you can read the Scriptures and annotate the meaning of the text, so that it can often help your own words and deeds, you can be a person in the world. Why do you need to write two pieces of paper to explain the three words "zhongniju"? You say "Ju" refers to the place where you live, and he says "Ju" refers to the place where you teach. What's the basis of the argument?
On this issue, is it any good for you to lose and me to win? Time is worth cherishing. It's like flowing water. We should read the essence of the book extensively in order to be helpful to our career. If you can combine Expo with specialization, then I will be very satisfied and have nothing more to say
Ancient scholars for himself,to fill the gap; now scholars for people,but also can say.Ancient scholars for people,road to benefit the world
Also; modern scholars have,self-cultivation in order to advance.The husband scholars and also plant trees,spring play its China,Deng actually spoke of the autumn,spring;
China also,slim profit,Qiushi also.
Young life,the spirit of the patent,has grown,the minds of dissipation,solid to be early,do not lose a chance too.I was seven years old,chanting " Aura
Dian Fu ",as today,a ten year,still not forgotten; twenty,the book of prayers,abandoned in January,will carry on to the barren.Although
Man Kan Xiexin,lost in the prime of life,and when to study,not to be.
The husband sage of the book,so the teaching practice,but the Ming text,a note,often make the behavior,also foot of man; why " Zhongni Ju " shall be two paper dredging righteousness,Yan 's lecture,but where?
In order to overcome,Ning beneficial?Unfortunately for the passing of time.When the Expo confidential,to economic achievement; will and beauty,I departed.

English translation
When a man reads ten volumes of books, he will grow tall and despise the elder. A man is as ill as an enemy and as evil as an owl. It is better to learn without learning
Scholars in ancient times are for themselves to make up for their deficiencies; scholars in modern times are for people, but they can say so. Scholars in ancient times are for people to do things for the benefit of the world; scholars in modern times are for themselves to cultivate themselves and strive for progress. Scholars in husband are still planting trees, playing in spring and climbing in autumn; articles in discussion are also in spring, cultivating themselves and practicing in autumn

In ancient times, the purpose of studying was to enrich themselves and make up for their own shortcomings. Now, the purpose of studying is to please others and show off to others. In ancient times, the purpose of studying is to promote their own ideas for the benefit of the society. Now, the purpose of studying is to cultivate their body and mind for their own needs in order to be an official, Autumn can pick its fruits. Explaining and commenting on articles is like enjoying spring flowers; cultivating one's body and mind is conducive to promoting one's own ideas, just like picking autumn fruits

English translation
Mian Xue's translation of "if you live in the world, you will have a career... You will be ashamed and humiliated for a long time"

In the world, people will have jobs, farmers will measure and farm, merchants and Jia will not discuss bribes, craftsmanship will lead to the use of fine tools, skill will lead to meditation on magic, martial arts will be accustomed to bow and horse, and literati will talk about scriptures. Many literati are shamed of farming and business, ashamed of working skills, shooting will not be able to write letters, writing will only remember their surnames and names. They are full of food and drink, and have nothing to do, so as to sell the day and spend the whole year, He forgets to study, talks about good or bad things, talks about gains and losses, and opens his mouth like a cloud. He talks about public and private banquets, and ancient poetry. SEMER bows his head and fails. He has the knowledge to watch, and goes to the place instead of him. He regrets that he has been studying hard for several years, and he has been humiliated all his life!
In life, there should be a profession. The peasants discuss farming, the merchants discuss goods and wealth, the craftsmen refine tools, the skilled consider methods and techniques, the martial arts practice horse riding and archery, and the literati study and discuss scriptures. However, it is often seen that the literati are ashamed to set foot in agriculture and commerce, and are ashamed to engage in engineering, archery is unable to wear armor, holding a pen is the only way to remember their names, Some of them feel satisfied and forget to study. When they meet with wedding and funeral events and discuss the gains and losses, they are dazed and tongue tied, like sitting in the clouds. Public or private gatherings, banquets, ancient poems, and silent bowing, they just yawn and slouch, I'm so ashamed of him that I have no place to live. Why don't I spend a few years studying so hard that I will be humiliated for a long time in my life?