What does Confucius tell us about water in his spring outing

What does Confucius tell us about water in his spring outing

Soft but not weak, soft can overcome hard, to have all inclusive open-minded mind
Because water can keep people's body and mind in a pure state. Confucius also said: "benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water."

What is the meaning of Confucius' remarks on water in Confucius' spring outing?

Water moistens all things, nurtures all living beings, and is as selfless and benevolent as a true gentleman; water is gentle and gentle, and as gentle as a gentleman; rock, chiseling stone walls, has ambition, and is as indomitable as a true gentleman; water can clean all things, and return all things to their original clean posture, and teach people to seek truth like a gentleman

How to understand the meaning of Confucius' remarks on water

Gong asked, "when a gentleman sees a flood, he must watch it carefully. What's the reason?" Confucius said, "water can inspire a gentleman to use it as a metaphor for his moral cultivation. It's all over the world, giving all things without partiality, just like a gentleman's morality; everywhere it goes, everything grows, just like a gentleman's benevolence; water is downward, just like a gentleman's lofty righteousness; shallow places flow ceaselessly, It's like a gentleman's wisdom to go to the abyss without hesitation; it's like a gentleman's determination and courage to go to the abyss without hesitation; it's like a gentleman's insightful insight to infiltrate the music; it's like a gentleman's open-minded mind to suffer from infamous reputation without pleading; it's like a gentleman's clear water in the end, like a gentleman's ability to transform things; it's like a gentleman's ability to put a measuring instrument into it, It's like a gentleman's integrity; when he's full, he doesn't want to do too much, just like a gentleman's propriety; no matter how many questions he asks, he must flow East into the sea, just like a gentleman's unswerving faith and will. So a gentleman must observe the flood carefully