The author of mianxue said: ancient scholars are for themselves and modern scholars are for people. He also said: ancient scholars are for people and modern scholars are for themselves. How to understand the meaning of this sentence

The author of mianxue said: ancient scholars are for themselves and modern scholars are for people. He also said: ancient scholars are for people and modern scholars are for themselves. How to understand the meaning of this sentence

In ancient times, the purpose of studying was to enrich themselves and make up for their own shortcomings. Now, the purpose of studying is to please others and show off to others. In ancient times, the purpose of studying is to promote their own ideas for the benefit of society. Now, the purpose of studying is to cultivate themselves and become an official

What is the next sentence in the Analects of Confucius: "scholars in ancient times are for themselves, and scholars in modern times are for people"?

Jue Boyu made people to Confucius. Confucius sat down with him and asked him, "what is the teacher doing?" he said to him, "the teacher wants to have too few mistakes but can't do it."

On Confucius' understanding of "no learning etiquette, no standing"

Confucius is the founder of Confucianism. His important proposition is "self-restraint and return to propriety", which has certain limitations of the times and certain feudal color. This "propriety" can be understood as "propriety", that is, there are differences between monarchs and ministers. That is to say, the emperor's food and clothing are these. As a minister and a civilian, you must not exceed this standard, Here's a little story
Confucius said, "if you don't know your destiny, you can't be a gentleman. If you don't know your etiquette, you can't be a gentleman. If you don't know your words, you can't know people."
It is said that one day when Confucius was standing in the courtyard, his son Kong Li "ran across the court". What is "trend"? "Trend" is a small step and a gesture of respect. In front of the superiors and the elders, you should "trend" when you walk. This is called "trend". When Kong Li saw his father Confucius standing in the courtyard, he lowered his head to "trend", Confucius said: "stop and learn poetry?" "No." why don't you learn Poetry (how can you speak if you don't learn Poetry)? "Yes", "retreat and learn poetry." another day, Confucius stood in the courtyard, and Confucius said: "stop and learn etiquette?" "No." why don't you learn etiquette and how can you be a man? "" yes "," retreat and learn etiquette. "
These things hope to inspire the thinking of the landlord, the landlord or a student, I hope you can learn to think for yourself