Translation of sun Tai's two stories Hurry!

Translation of sun Tai's two stories Hurry!

More than ten stories in classical Chinese
The main idea of the story should be concise, not more than 40 words

When the boat stopped, he went into the water to ask for it. The boat had already done it, but the sword couldn't do it. If he wanted to ask for the sword, he would be puzzled. The people of Song Dynasty pitied for the Miao who didn't grow long, but he came back suddenly

Story into classical Chinese
I met a girl in Grade 6. They had a good time. In Grade 6, she lived with me (my mother, friend and sister came to my school at that time, so they lived together). In grade 3, I fell in love with that girl. When I didn't have the courage to say that I love you, she fell in love with another person (I used to be the girl's military adviser). Now we are together, I have a good feeling and love her very much

I've known each other for six years. I'm happy and follow each other. I suddenly realize that I don't want to wait for him. I've ever remembered if I admire others. I'm still thinking about the past and I'm smiling now and then. I'm writing for Qing thrush

There are 25 questions in an examination paper. If you answer one right question, you will get 4 points. If you answer one wrong question, you will get 1 point. If you don't answer one question, you will get 1 point. If Xiao Ming answers all the questions, he will get 70 points
Lane a 16 Lane B 17 Lane C 18 Lane D 19 Lane

Suppose he does the right question x, then he does not do or does wrong question (25-x)
(1 point will be deducted if he doesn't answer or answers wrong, so it's set like this.)
According to the meaning of the title
(4x is the score obtained by doing the right question, 1 (25-x) is the score deducted, and the total score is obtained by subtracting the deducted score.)
So choose D

Grade 7 mathematics supplementary exercise 4.3 use equation to solve problem 6 original problem or answer (must have process)~~~

1 c
2 20
3. Deposit X Yuan in the bank
4) set up a class of X people
A: Class 1 has 48 people
A: 304 yuan has been saved

How to write question 6 on page 4 of supplementary exercises of mathematics in Volume 1 of Grade 7

Find out the rule. The rule is the first column multiplied by three, the second column multiplied by four, and the third column multiplied by five

Five years Volume I supplementary exercises of mathematics page 86 3 answers without equation
A racket is 6.5 times as much as a badminton. The teacher paid 241.5 yuan for a racket and five badminton. How much is a racket? How much is a badminton?

241.5 △ 11.5 = 21 (yuan)
241.5 - (21 × 5) = 136.5 yuan
A: 21 yuan for a badminton and 136.5 yuan for a racket

Su Ke edition seventh grade volume I mathematics supplementary exercises unit 4 equation of one variable
A student made the following balance experiments with a 6 cm ruler and some pieces of the same texture
Put one chess piece on the left end of the ruler, one chess piece, two chess pieces and three chess pieces on the right end of the ruler respectively The distance between the fulcrum and the left and right ends of the ruler is recorded as a and B
For the first time, place one chess piece at each end of the ruler, and move the fulcrum to point a to balance the ruler (as shown in Figure 1);
For the second time, place one chess piece at the left end and two chess pieces at the right end of the ruler. When the fulcrum is moved to point B, the ruler is balanced (as shown in Figure 2);
For the third time, place one chess piece at the left end and three chess pieces at the right end of the ruler. When the fulcrum is moved to point C, the ruler is balanced (as shown in Fig. 3);
For the fourth time, place one chess piece at the left end and four chess pieces at the right end of the ruler. When the fulcrum is moved to point D, the ruler is balanced (as shown in Fig. 4);
(1) Please record the values of a and B in the first four experiments and guess the values of a and B in the fifth experiment;
(2) From the above experimental process and record sheet, what do you find? Express your findings;
(3) If you put one chess piece at the left end of the ruler and 11 chess pieces at the right end, how many centimeters should the fulcrum be away from the left end of the ruler?

We don't want to write it, but I'll give you the answers. Multiple choice questions: A, B, D. fill in the blanks: 45x + 15x = 120. X-2 = 30 / 2-x + 1 Calculation questions: 6 - 1 - 3 7 / 10 - 9 / 5 11 / 10 1 3 / 2 application questions: win 5 games, a bought 25 pieces, B bought 75 pieces, this year's fixed deposit is 30 million yuan, this year's current deposit is 4.5 million yuan

(by equation)
1. There is a column of numbers, which are arranged into 1. - 4,16, - 64256, - 1024,... According to certain rules. The sum of some three adjacent numbers is - 13312. What are the three numbers?
2. In order to encourage the public to save water, a city has formulated the following charging standards. If the monthly water consumption of each household does not exceed 12 cubic meters, the water price per cubic meter will be charged at 3.7 yuan. If the monthly water consumption exceeds 12 cubic meters, the excess part will be charged at 5.5 yuan per cubic meter. If the average water price paid by a household in a certain month is 4.7 yuan per cubic meter, how many cubic meters of water does he share this month?

The rule of this series of numbers is: the last number of any number is - 4 times of this number
Let these three numbers be - N / 4, N, - 4N respectively
The result is (- N / 4) + n-4n = - 13312
The deformation is 13N / 4 = 13312
The solution is n = 4096
So - N / 4 = - 1024, - 4N = - 16384
That is to say, the three numbers are - 10244096, - 16384
X cubic meters of water was used
Because 4.7 > 3.7
So x is more than 12
7 + 5. 5 (x - 12) = 4. 7x
The solution is x = 28
So he shared 28 cubic meters of water this month

Help to do an equation problem!
An enterprise has acquired 52.5 tons of Phyllostachys pubescens. According to the market information, the rough processing of Phyllostachys pubescens can produce 8 tons per day, with a profit of 1000 yuan per ton. If the fine processing of Phyllostachys pubescens is carried out, it can produce 0.5 tons per day, with a profit of 5000 yuan per ton, And all the bamboo must be sold within one month (30 days). Is there such a plan: finish some bamboo, rough the rest bamboo, and finish it within 30 days. If so, seek the profit from the sales?

Is it necessary to make fine machining when sold? If not, all rough machining can be done