Two things in sun Tai's anecdotes reflect sun Tai's moral character~~~~

Two things in sun Tai's anecdotes reflect sun Tai's moral character~~~~

Sun Tai attached great importance to loyalty and honesty

Sun Tai (classical Chinese)
You may choose your younger brother_______
My aunt's death________
It's not Thai, it's not comfortable________
Taiji: the return of the past_________
2. Translation
He has a disease, which is not suitable for Thailand
3. Please summarize two things about sun Tai in the article
4. What are the characteristics of sun Tai?
Original text:
Sun Tai, a native of Shanyang, is a young teacher of huangfuying. His moral integrity is quite ancient and virtuous. Tai's wife is his aunt. First of all, the aunt was old and asked her two sons to marry her When his aunt died, Tai married his sister. Or heckle it, Thailand said: "the person has waste disease, not Thailand can not be appropriate." All the people are obedient to the righteousness of Tai. Taste in the city, meet iron lampstand, the city, and life wash, but silver also. Tai Ji returned it.
Sun Tai is a native of Shanyang. He learned from huangfuying when he was young. His ambition and moral character have the style of ancient sages. Sun Tai's wife is his cousin. Before that, when her aunt was old, she entrusted her two daughters to sun Tai and said, "of the two sisters, one of the elder sister's eyes is wrong. You can marry her." After his aunt died, sun Tai married his aunt's eldest daughter. Some people don't understand this matter. Sun Tai said, "she has eye problems. She can't get married except me." Everyone admired sun Tai's loyalty. Sun Tai once met an iron lampstand in the market and bought it for washing. It turned out to be made of silver. Sun Tai rushed to return it to the seller.

Don't be lazy. Do it yourself

The interpretation of the ancient essay sun Tai

Translation of sun Tai
Sun Tai is a native of Shanyang. When he was young, he learned from huangfuying. His ambition and moral character were very ancient. Sun Tai's wife was his aunt's daughter. At first, his aunt was old and entrusted his two daughters to sun Tai, saying, "if one eye of the eldest daughter is wrong, you can marry her sister." when his aunt died, sun Tai married his aunt's eldest daughter, Sun Tai once met an iron lampstand in the city and bought it for washing. It turned out to be a silver product. Sun Tai rushed to return it to the seller. During the period of Zhonghe, sun Tai would settle down in Yixing and buy a villa for 200 yuan. Having paid half of the money, sun Tai went to visit Wuxing county, Two months later, sun Tai came back and stopped the boat to walk. He gave the rest of the money to the owner and asked him to move to another place. At this time, he saw an old woman crying bitterly. Sun Tai was terrified and asked her to come and ask. The old woman said, "I once served my father-in-law here. My descendants were not successful and made the villa owned by others, So sad. "Sun Tai lost his mind for a long time, so he lied to her and said," I just received the letter from the capital, and I have been given another post. I can't live here. Your son is in charge of the place where I live for the time being. "After that, he untied the boat rope and left, never coming back

In order to meet the national day, the supermarket decided to adopt appropriate price reduction measures to expand sales, increase profits and reduce inventory. According to the market survey, if the price of each box of milk is reduced by 0.4 yuan, then an average of 8 more boxes can be sold every day The daily profit is 120 yuan. How much is the average price reduction per carton of milk?

Let's reduce the price of each carton by X Yuan. According to the meaning of the question, we get (4-x) (20 + x0.4 × 8) = 120. The solution is X1 = 1, X2 = 2. In order to expand the sales volume, X1 = 1 is not satisfactory. Let's omit x = 2. Answer: the average price of each carton of milk is 2 yuan

Solution of quadratic equation with one variable
Xsquare-4 - (X-2) square = 2

Xsquare-4 - (X-2) square = 2

Solutions to mathematical problems of quadratic equation of one variable
How to calculate the square of 2x - 5x = the square of X - 3

X = (13-5 under root) / 2
X = - (13 + 5 under root) / 2

Solve a mathematical problem about quadratic equation of one variable!
If the two roots of the equation x · x-4x + 3 = 0 are the two sides of the RT triangle ABC respectively, and the minimum angle of the triangle ABC is a, the value of Tana should be calculated

X = 1 or x = 3
The two sides of RT triangle ABC are 1 and 3
(1) If 1 and 3 are right angles, then Tana = 1 / 3
(2) If 3 is a hypotenuse, then the square of the other right edge is 3 * 3-1 * 1 = 8, and the other right edge is 2 √ 2
Then Tana = 1 / (2 √ 2) = √ 2 / 4

It is known that x 1 and x 2 are the two real roots of the equation x 2 + (2a-1) x + a 2 = 0, and (x 1 + 2) (x 2 + 2) = 11

∵ X1 and X2 are two real roots of the equation x2 + (2a-1) x + A2 = 0, ∵ X1 + x2 = 1-2a, x1 · x2 = A2, ∵ (x1 + 2) (x2 + 2) = 11, ∵ x1x2 + 2 (x1 + x2) + 4 = 11, ∵ A2 + 2 (1-2a) - 7 = 0, that is, a2-4a-5 = 0, the solution is a = - 1, or a = 5

The process of solving an equation problem
10 to the - 5th power = 1 - [(1-x) * (1-7 * 10 to the - 6th power)]
The solution is to the - 6th power of x = 3 * 10
This is an exam question I saw on the network engineer, but my mathematical foundation is poor,


If the equation of X: square + (M + 2I) x + (2 + mi) = 0 has at least one real root, find the value of real number M

Let the equation have a real root C and another root a + bi, a, B, C are all real numbers
According to Weida formula:
c+a+bi=-m-2i (1)
ac+cbi=2+mi (2)
From (1): B = - 2, a + C = - M (3)
From (2): AC = 2 BC = m (4)
Substituting (3) into (4): 2C = a + C → a = C, AC = 2 → C ^ 2 = 2, C = ± √ 2, so m = ± 2 √ 2