Examples of "Ding" in ancient Chinese To explain and source, urgent

Examples of "Ding" in ancient Chinese To explain and source, urgent

The book of changes 2. Stop: my garrison is undecided. The book of songs 3. Fixed: five moves, no fixed place. Records of the historian 4. Decision: Jun Ji decides about the reform. Book of Shang Jun 5. Agreement, reservation: come to the league, predetermine also. Biography of Gu Liang 6. Stipulation: the order is determined by virtue

How to analyze the background and significance of historical facts

Middle school history textbooks are actually composed of a series of important events in history. Therefore, for students, to understand the textbook is to thoroughly understand the historical facts as much as possible. For high school students, to understand history, they have to learn to analyze the background and significance of historical facts and find out the causes and consequences
First of all, we should learn to analyze the historical background. In many years of teaching practice, the author found that senior high school students' experience is still very shallow, and their rational thinking ability is still quite lacking. They often mechanically memorize a large section of the historical background in the textbook, and learn these key points like a bolt. As a result, they have confused memory in the exam, full of jokes, I feel that I have spent a lot of time and energy, but the effect is not satisfactory, and I feel very confused about whether I can learn history well. Indeed, the analysis of historical background (rather than mechanical memory) requires students to have considerable logical analysis ability, which is really difficult for students
How to break through this problem? I teach students to understand this way. In history, every event has a cause. All the factors that directly or indirectly lead to the event in a specific time and space are included in the broad historical background, Sometimes the historical background is divided into political, economic, ideological and cultural factors (such as the background of the new culture movement); sometimes it is divided into domestic and international factors (such as the background of the May 4th Movement); sometimes the historical background includes historical conditions (such as the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party) and fuse or excuse (such as the two Opium Wars) By analyzing the historical background of all these events, we can conclude that although the historical background includes all aspects of content, from the perspective of causing the event, it is nothing more than providing two indispensable factors: necessity and possibility
Necessity can be said as follows: in reality, there are unfavorable factors for the perpetrators of historical acts. If these problems are not solved, the perpetrators of historical acts will not be able to continue their influence on history, that is, the unfavorable reality forces them to take measures to solve these problems, Therefore, from the perspective of the British government, its necessity is that "the real disadvantage is that the Qing government closed the door, which prevented Britain, as the" factory of the world ", from exporting a large number of goods to it. The British government must take measures to solve this problem." for another example, when analyzing the necessity of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the executor of historical behavior is the Communist Party of China, From the perspective of the ruling party, the necessity is that "the real disadvantage is that the" left "mistakes in the Cultural Revolution have not been corrected, and the" two whatevers "continue to restrict people's thoughts, words and deeds, This makes the future of China still worrying. The party must lead the people to take measures to solve this problem. "This method can be applied to all historical events, large and small, such as the resistance and exploration of people from all walks of life in modern China, from the emergence of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement to the background of Deng Xiaoping's comprehensive rectification in 1975, The necessity of identification of the perpetrators of historical acts is inevitably subjective. In the analysis, we should pay attention to distinguish the stand and right from wrong. For example, the necessity of identification when the great powers launched six wars of aggression, the necessity of Mao Zedong's launching the "Cultural Revolution" and so on are strongly subjective, Many of the questions that answer the reasons are related to necessity
The development of historical things must have certain conditions to turn into reality, Possibility is the reality that provides favorable factors for the smooth realization of historical facts. These favorable factors include objective conditions and subjective conditions. Objective conditions are social factors that are external to but beneficial to the executors of historical behaviors. Subjective conditions are naturally the subjective efforts and preparations that the executors of historical behaviors have for the occurrence of historical behaviors When analyzing the possibility of the Opium War, from the perspective of the British government, the initiator of the war, the possibility is: on the subjective side, "Britain established an advanced capitalist system, completed the industrial revolution, had strong political, economic and military forces, and had the favorable conditions to open the door of the Qing Dynasty by any means"; on the objective side, "the Qing Dynasty was corrupt in politics, backward in economy, and abandoned in armaments, The possibility is that "Deng Xiaoping's comeback and the party's work has progressed. This is the driving force and favorable reality for the party to hold a major turning point conference". Similarly, many historical facts in history can be applied. Many questions answering the reasons, conditions and preconditions are related to the possibility
Let's talk about the analysis of historical significance again. The introduction of historical significance in teaching materials is often voluminous, and there are many people who appear in large space. When analyzing, we also decompose. All the meanings include these contents: nature, function and influence
Nature reflects the internal connection of historical facts, which is the essence of things, It is equivalent to the depth of people's understanding of the degree of inevitability or regularity. It often involves the deep-seated connotations of historical facts, such as the class attribute and national attribute. For example, the Boxer Movement is the anti imperialist and patriotic nature of the peasants; the Anti Japanese war is the nature of the anti fascist aggression jointly carried out by all walks of life in China; the fourth and fifth movement is the mass movement of the people against the "left" supporting Deng, The nature, essence and essence of the title belong to one type
The function mainly refers to the impact of Shi Zhen on the comparison of the political power of various factions at that time. In the textbooks, the words "attacked, weakened, and strengthened" are often used. For example, the national revolution "basically overthrew the feudal rule of the Northern Warlords, For example, the role of responsibility system in rural areas was to "mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers and liberate the productive forces"
Similarly, the impact of the national revolution on China's future development is "propagandizing the Communist Party's ideas, expanding the influence of the Communist Party, making the Communist Party begin to grasp part of the armed forces, so that the masses are generally baptized by the revolution.", As a result, the Politburo was replaced by the Central Cultural Revolution Group
In addition, the meaning may also include features, status and other contents. These are mainly the historical facts in the long river of history, compared with similar historical facts in different periods. To analyze this part of content, we should pay attention to memorizing after comparison

Analysis of the characteristics of ancient Greek political thought and its practical significance?

The characteristics of ancient Greek political thought
First, natural politics and holistic values
The so-called holism refers to the relationship between the individual and the state, which regards the same family as the first, the individual as the second, and the individual has no independent value. Only when the individual is integrated into the whole and dedicates himself to it, can he realize his own value. The Greek city-state is a community of citizens, But at the same time, it is also understood as a community of kinship and song religion. The collective righteousness and patriotism of the city-state are the very natural feelings of citizens. This holistic political view is different from the individual righteousness of the country. He does not regard the country as the tool of the individual, but the individual as the tool of the country
Second, rational political thinking and scientific research methods
In other ancient areas, political phenomena were shrouded in the fog of religion. People's understanding of political phenomena was intertwined with religion and mythology. In Greece, citizens held power in their own hands, regulated political power through their laws and democratic systems, and realized the rationalization of political life, The Greeks have distinguished politics from religion and mythology
In Plato's theory of political action, the role of God and the afterlife is emphasized, but God does not interfere in the life of this world. Politics is a human affair, On the basis of the investigation of 158 city states' political systems, the method of induction and analysis to form a general theory, the method of comparative study, the method of understanding the essence of the city states from their origin and development, and the method of decomposing the city states into the most basic elements and understanding the essence through the analysis of the basic elements The influence of religious theology is completely excluded
Third, specific research topics and scope
In ancient Greece, The root of the word "political science" is "city-state". The so-called political science is about the knowledge and technology of city-state. It includes the general understanding of the origin, nature, Japan, function and so on of city-state, as well as the views and propositions on how to organize and manage city-state. The pluralism of city-state politics makes the vision of Greek political thinkers very broad. The theme of Greek political science is the study of regime Aristotle believes that the problem of political science is "a political system problem in general"
Greek political thought is mainly limited to the internal problems of citizens. Its core is how to coordinate the internal relations of citizens, how to distribute rights and obligations, so as to realize the harmony among citizens and make everyone live a good citizen life. Slaves and Gentiles are completely out of the perspective of political science, which is the understanding of Greek political thinker Zhi
Fourth, the political perspective of citizens
Political scientists in ancient Greece understood political phenomena from the perspective of citizens and expounded their political opinions from the perspective of citizens. The political freedom and democracy enjoyed by citizens of Greek city states were important reasons for the prosperity of political science. Democratic system required citizens' extensive participation in politics, It is a hotbed for the development of political science. The development of Greek political science is the need of democratic politics and the good life of political citizens. Undoubtedly, it also contains citizens' persistent narrow consciousness and prejudice against non citizen groups. Political science does not study the internal relations of all residents in a city-state, This also shows the nature of Greek politics as citizenship

How to make the equation of this problem?
A. The distance between station B and Germany is 448 km. A local train starts from station a and travels 60 km per hour. An express train starts from station B and travels 80 km per hour
If the local train is ahead, how long will it take for the express train to catch up with the local train
Urgent need

Set the x-hour express to catch up with the local train
22.4 hour express catch up with local train

How to make up the equation!
The width of a rectangle is 6cm, and the length is 3cm more than twice the width. What is the area of the rectangle?

Let a rectangle be a in length and B in width
According to the Title A = 2B + 3, calculate a = 15
According to the rectangular area formula s = ab
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