Ancient poems about reading

Ancient poems about reading

1、 I have a pen like a sword. In the Song Dynasty, I was Tian Shelang, and in the evening, I ascended the emperor's hall. The prime minister has no seed, and the man should be self-improvement. After 40 years of reading the law and reading books, there is a blue sky on Wusha's head

Ancient poets wrote many poems about reading. What are the poems about reading?
Type out the verse

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles
The ancients had no spare effort in learning, but only when they were young and old
I feel shallow in the end, but I must practice it
If you are familiar with 300 Tang poems, you can recite them even if you can't write them
Ask where the canal is so clear, for there is a source of flowing water
It's easy to get a sense of it on paper, but you have to practice it
Read more than ten thousand books, write more than ten thousand words
1. Being quick to learn and not ashamed to ask questions -- Confucius
2. Han Yu: being diligent in business, being idle in playing; being successful in thinking, being destroyed in following
3. Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is perilous -- Confucius
4. Confucius: the one who knows is not as good as the one who is good, and the one who is good is not as happy as the one who is happy
5. If three people walk, there must be my teacher. Choose those who are good and follow them, and those who are not good and change them -- Confucius
6. Rise in the poem, stand in the ceremony, become in the music -- Confucius
7. Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself -- Confucius
8. Du Fu: reading through thousands of books and writing with spirit
9. There are three ways of reading: heart, eyes and mouth -- Zhu Xi
10. Ouyang Xiu: the first thing to do is to study
11. Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles -- Liu Yi
12. Yan Zhenqing
13. Yu Qian: a book full of love like an old friend
14. Books are medicine, and good reading can cure fools -- Liu Xiang
15. Young people don't work hard, old people are sad
16. Don't wait, white head, empty Sorrow -- Yue Fei
17. Striving to read all the characters in the world and determined to read all the books in the world -- Su Shi
18. Li kuchan: birds flapping their wings to fly high, people reading to advance
19. Ruan Yuan: a man who is determined to be thoughtful and true, and who studies hard
20. Zhuge Liang: no ambition without indifference, no ambition without tranquility
21. Don't do evil little and don't do good little
22. Be familiar with 300 Tang poems and be able to recite even if you can't write them
23. When books come to use, they hate less. It's hard not to know what happened
24. Ask if the canal is clear, because there is a source of flowing water -- Zhu Xi
25. Never tired of reading old books for a hundred times, familiar with them and thinking about them well -- Su Shi
26. A bookworm must be skillful in writing, and an artist must be skillful -- Pu Songling
27. Read a hundred times, and you can see what you mean
28. A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step -- Laozi
29. There is a long way to go, and its cultivation is far away. I will go up and down to seek -- Qu Yuan
30. Enjoy the wonderful works together, and analyze the doubts -- Tao Yuanming
31. The method of reading is to read in order and step by step, to read well and to think carefully -- Zhu Xi
32. There are limits in my life, but there are no limits in my knowledge
33. There is no talent without learning, and there is no learning without ambition
34. If jade is not pecked, it will not become a tool; if people do not learn, they will not know -- the book of Rites

Gu Lang Yuexing reading answers
Gulang Yuexing
Tang Libai
The hour does not know the moon,
Call it a white jade plate
I doubt Yao Tai mirror,
Flying in the blue clouds
The immortal has two feet,
He Tuan Tuan is a laurel tree
The white rabbit is mashed with medicine,
Who do you have dinner with?
In the first and second lines of the poem, the moon can be compared to -- and -- when it is full
Draw the title and the rhythm of the fifth and sixth lines
(1) Gulang Yuexing
(2) The immortal droops two feet, the osmanthus tree he Tuan

Gu Langyue was in Tang Dynasty. Li Bai did not know the moon when he was young. He called it a white jade plate. He also suspected that the mirror of Yaotai was flying in Qingyun. The immortal hung his feet, and the osmanthus tree was full. The white rabbit made a potion, and asked who to eat with. In the first and second lines of the poem, the moon was compared to a white jade plate