Divisor is a one digit division estimation, the general divisor as the number of (), divisor (), with the basic method of oral division calculation!

Divisor is a one digit division estimation, the general divisor as the number of (), divisor (), with the basic method of oral division calculation!

When estimating division is a division of one digit, the divisor is generally regarded as a number (whole hundred and ten or several hundred, tens and hundreds), and the divisor remains unchanged. The basic method of oral division is used for calculation

If you don't know how to do division, you should learn from there

Nine nine addition, subtraction, multiplication and division table

Estimation: divisor is a one digit division estimation. Generally, the divisor is regarded as the number of (), and the divisor () is calculated by the basic method of oral division

When estimating division is a division of one digit, the divisor is generally regarded as (whole hundred) (whole ten) or (several hundred and dozens) (several thousand and hundreds), and the divisor remains unchanged. The basic method of oral division is used for calculation