Division calculation of rational numbers (-27)÷3 (-3.6)÷()-2 (-9)÷3×(-3)

Division calculation of rational numbers (-27)÷3 (-3.6)÷()-2 (-9)÷3×(-3)


In a practical activity, Xiao Ming and Xiao Liang decided to use the "temperature difference method" to measure the height of a mountain. One day at the same time, Xiao Ming measured that the temperature at the top of the mountain was - 1.1 ℃, and Xiao Liang measured that the temperature at the foot of the mountain was 1.6 ℃. It is known that when the height of the area increases by 100 meters, the air temperature decreases by about 0.6 ℃, then how many meters is the height of the mountain? Please make a formula

According to the meaning of the title: [1.6 - (- 1.1)] 0.6 × 100 = 2.7 △ 0.6 × 100 = 450 (m). A: the height of this mountain is about 450 M

1/2÷(-1/4) (-3.5)÷7/5
1/6÷(-5)×(-5/7) -3.5÷7/8×(-3/4)
-3 × (- 4 / 5) △ (- 9 / 10) 5 / 6 × (- 1 and 2 / 3) + 2 × (- 1.5)

Original formula = 1 / 2 × (- 4) = - 2
Original formula = - 7 / 2 × 5 / 7 = - 5 / 2
Original formula = 1 / 6 × (- 1 / 5) × (- 5 / 7) = = 1 / 42
The original formula = - 7 / 2 × 8 / 7 × (- 3 / 4) = 3
Original formula = - 3 × (- 4 / 5) × (- 10 / 9) = - 2 / 3
Original formula = 5 / 6 × 3 / 5-3 = 1 / 2-3 = 5 / 2

Answers to the division test paper of rational numbers in the sunshine plan of mathematics published by people's Education Press

I don't have the answer, but it's the best to write by myself. I can't rely on the answer all the time. I used to look for the answer everywhere like you, and the result is miserable

How to do the radish problem in question 5 on page 26 of the first grade mathematics textbook in 2012

Please list the questions

Mathematics problems (Grade 7, Volume 1)
What do you mean, please explain!

It turns on the absolute value

Mathematics homework (2) 4.3
(1) {4x-4y = 1,3x + 2Y = 2 (2) {3x + 3Y = - 4, 1y of X + 2 = 2
The value of X and y can be obtained by taking only 3 / x-4 / y = 3x + 2y-75 = 3

1 4x-4y=1 3x+2y=2
Solution: 3x + 2Y = 2, both sides multiply by 2, that is: 6x + 4Y = 4
Then add 6x + 4Y = 4 and 4x-4y = 1, that is, 6x + 4Y + 4x-4y = 5 to get x = 1 / 2
Taking x = 1 / 2 into 4x-4y = 1 and solving y = 1 / 4
2 3x+3y=-4, x+1/2y=2
X + 1 / 2Y = 2, both sides multiply by 3, that is: 3x + 3 / 2Y = 6
Then, by subtracting 3x + 3Y = - 4 and 3x + 3 / 2Y = 6, that is, 3x + 3y-3x-3 / 2Y = - 10, y = - 20 / 3
Taking y = - 20 / 3 into 3x + 3Y = - 4 and solving x = 16 / 3
3 X/3-y/4=3x+2y-75=3
X / 3-y / 4 = 3, both sides multiply by 8, that is: 8x / 3-2y = 24
Then add 3x + 2Y = 78 and 8x / 3-2y = 24, that is, 3x + 2Y + 8x / 3-2y = 102, and the solution is x = 18
Taking x = 18 into X / 3-y / 4 = 3 and solving y = 12

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Demand immediately reply, also add money
Unit 7 (3)

Match the questions with the answers
1B 2E 3C 4A 5D
2,sno name like years blonde build wear

7.4 angle and angle measurement
7.4 angle and angle measurement
∠1=? ∠2=? ∠a=? ∠b=? ∠r=?
1°=? `=? ``
1``=? `=? °
180 degrees =? Right angle =? Flat angle =? Circumference
150 degrees =? Flat angle =? Circumference
21.5°=? Score =? second
7200``=? Score =? degree
1.2`=? Degree =? second
What is the cost in seconds of 85.96 degrees? Is it right to use degree to express 57 ° 18 '?
37 ° 49 '+ 44 ° 28' (results in seconds)
108 ° 18 '- 56.5 ° (results expressed in degrees)
If the position of the clock at any time is taken as the starting position, then how long does it take for the clock to rotate a horizontal angle at least? How about a circle?

180 degree = 2 right angle = 1 horizontal angle = 0.5 circumference
150 degrees = 5 / 6 flat angle = 5 / 12 circle angle
21.5 ° = 1290 minutes = 77400 seconds
7200 '= 2 points = 1 / 30 degree
1.2 '= 1 / 50 degree = 72 seconds
Cost, minutes, seconds means 85 degrees, 57 minutes, 36 seconds? Cost means 57 degrees, 18 'means 57.3 degrees?
37 ° 49 '+ 44 ° 28' (results in degrees, minutes and seconds) = 82 degrees and 7 minutes
108 ° 18 '- 56.5 ° (results expressed in degrees) = 51.8 degrees
If the position of the clock at any time is taken as the starting position, it will take at least 6 hours for the clock to rotate a horizontal angle and 12 hours for the clock to rotate a circular angle

Quick, it's Zhejiang Education Edition. The assignment book (1) is the red one. All of them should be correct

In fact, it's the best to do it by yourself, which is beneficial to the high school entrance examination in the future
I think the others are OK. That's the sixth question
When r = 4, H = 10
The answer is 30 square centimeters
Question 7
Can you give me the best answer? Because I play hard