What's the difference by subtracting 2 times of 4 / 5 from the reciprocal of 9 / 2?

What's the difference by subtracting 2 times of 4 / 5 from the reciprocal of 9 / 2?

The reciprocal of 9 / 2 is 2 / 9
Twice as many as four fifths is eight fifths
SO 2 / 9 - 8 / 5 = - 45 / 62

Given that a, B, C and D are mutually unequal integers, and ABCD = 9, then the value of a + B + C + D is equal to ()
A. 0b. 4C. 8D

The four numbers are less than or equal to 9, and they are not equal to each other. From the product of 9, there must be 3 and - 3 in the four numbers. The four numbers are: 1, - 1, 3, - 3, and the sum is 0

On integral Division~
Given any nonzero number, the final output result is: m → square → - M → △ m → + 2
A,m B,m² C,m+1 D,m-1
The answer is C, but it is only calculated with positive integers. If it is calculated with negative numbers, it should be wrong in the second step M & # 178;. Then does this question include negative numbers or not?

No problem, because the square of any non-zero number is an integer, this calculation program can be regarded as a formula:
(m²-m)/m +2=m+1