The correct answer number of multiple choice questions is in brackets 406.06464…… The number is (), abbreviated as () A. Pure cycle decimal B. mixed cycle decimal C. 406. 06464 cycle

The correct answer number of multiple choice questions is in brackets 406.06464…… The number is (), abbreviated as () A. Pure cycle decimal B. mixed cycle decimal C. 406. 06464 cycle

Is a pure cycle of decimals, do not cycle is not followed by an ellipsis, short 406.064 64 cycle

Put the serial number of the correct answer in brackets
4. For the cylinder and cone with equal volume and equal base, the height of the cone is 18 cm, then the height of the cylinder is () cm
①54 ②18 ③6
5. The height of a cylinder is 4cm and its bottom area is 28.26cm
① Greater than 2 equal to 3 less than

The height of a cone is three times higher than that of a cylinder
So the height of the cylinder is 18 △ 3 = 6cm
Option 3
5. The height of a cylinder is 4cm, and the bottom area is 28.26cm
Radius × radius = 28.26 △ 3.14 = 9
And 9 = 3 × 3
So the radius is 3 cm 0
So choose 1

Put the correct answer number in brackets (Math Grade 5)
The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 1.15 and 25 are ()
A. 5 and 50 b.15 and 50 C.5 and 75 d.15 and 75 D
2. For a room 50 decimeters long and 30 decimeters wide, it is more appropriate to choose square floor tiles with side length of () decimeters
A. 1 B.5 C.4 out of 6 d.8 out of 2
The sum of numerator and denominator is 10. The true fraction may be ()
A. 4 out of 5 B. 3 out of 7 C. 4 out of 6 D. 8 out of 2
Give me the answer

The answer is CBB

(choose the appropriate serial number to fill in the brackets)
According to a times b = C times D, the following can not form a proportion is ()
(A) A: B and D: B (b) d: A and B: C
(C) B: D and a: C (d) a: D and C: B
2. A and B go the same way. It is known that their speed ratio is 1 / 9: then the time ratio of a and B is ()
(A)9:10 (B)10:9
(C) 1 in 10: 1 in 9
3. There are two piles of coal, one third of which is used from pile a and one second from pile B. the remaining coal is exactly the same. The original weight ratio of pile a and pile B is ()
(A)3:2 (B)3:4


The calculation is carried out by using the sum of ten and borrowing ten
How to calculate

When calculating, it is necessary to observe whether there are several digits of some numbers that can be rounded up to a whole ten or a whole hundred. This is called rounding up ten method. When subtracting, if one digit is subtracted by one digit but not enough, it is necessary to borrow a ten from ten digits to subtract. This is called borrowing ten method

Xiao Ming did a problem, known two polynomials a, B, calculate a + B, he mistook a + B as A-B, the result of the answer is - 7 & # 178; + 10x + 12. If B = 4x & # 178; - 5x-6, then please help him calculate the correct result a + B


Xiao Huang does a question "known two polynomials a, B, calculate A-B". Xiao Huang mistakenly regards A-B as a + B, and the result is 9x2-2x + 7. If B = x2 + 3x-2, please help Xiao Huang find the correct answer of a-b


A classmate did a problem: "given polynomial a, B, calculate 2A + B
A classmate does a problem: "known polynomial a, B, calculate 2A + B"
If we mistakenly regard "2A + B" as "a + 2B", the result is 6x square - 2x + 5

Because a + 2B = 6x ^ 2-2x + 5, B = x ^ 2 + 3x-2
So a = 4x ^ 2-8x + 9
So 2A + B = 2 (4x ^ 2-8x + 9) + x ^ 2 + 3x-2

English translation
From that day on, we came together
Now I translate it by myself
Since then,we came together...

It's no problem for you to translate like that. But it's suggested to change the word "cam" to "got"!

No matter what happens

There are two kinds of Translation: whatever happens and no matter what happens