Xiaoming saved 2000 yuan and 1000 yuan in two forms respectively, and took them out one year later. After deducting the interest income tax (interest × 20%), he could get 43.92 yuan of interest. It is known that the sum of the annual interest rates of these two kinds of savings is 3.24%, so the annual interest rates of these two kinds of savings are respectively 3.24%______ .

Xiaoming saved 2000 yuan and 1000 yuan in two forms respectively, and took them out one year later. After deducting the interest income tax (interest × 20%), he could get 43.92 yuan of interest. It is known that the sum of the annual interest rates of these two kinds of savings is 3.24%, so the annual interest rates of these two kinds of savings are respectively 3.24%______ .

Let the annual interest rates of 2000 yuan and 1000 yuan be x and Y respectively, and the equation group: x + y = 3.24% (2000x + 1000y) (1 − 20%) = 43.92. The solution is: x = 2.25% y = 0.99%, so fill in 2.25% and 0.99%

You can use () or () to check the subtraction

Add and subtract!

The significance of fraction addition and subtraction is the same as that of () addition and subtraction, and the checking method of fraction addition and subtraction is the same as that of () addition and subtraction

The meaning of fractional addition and subtraction is the same as that of (integer) addition and subtraction, and the checking method of fractional addition and subtraction is the same as that of (integer) addition and subtraction

A question about division
Xiao Ming mistakenly wrote the divisor 171 as 117 when he did the division. As a result, the quotient is less than 3, but the remainder is exactly the same. What is the correct quotient? What is the remainder?

Divisor: (171-117) △ 3
= 54÷3
= 18
117÷18=6…… nine
The remainder is 9

On the problem of fractional division
Let me start with an example: ① x △ 6 / 35 = 10 / 9
x= 4/21
In the second step, we multiply the quotient by the divisor (10 / 9 is the quotient, 6 / 35 is the divisor, and X is the divisor). X will be equal to the result of multiplying 10 / 9 by 6 / 35
In the second step, the divisor is multiplied by the quotient (the divisor is 34 / 35, the quotient is 35). X will be equal to 34 / 35 times 35, and the denominator and divisor will be equal to 34
Why is x before the division sign multiplying the divisor by the quotient instead of dividing the divisor by the quotient? Why is X after the division sign dividing the quotient by the divisor instead of the quotient by the divisor? Can you analyze the relationship between the two, and how can I write the second step of the equation when I encounter similar problems?

It is necessary to clarify the relationship among divisor, divisor and quotient
Divisor / divisor = quotient
Divisor = divisor x quotient
Divisor = divisor △ quotient
If x is in the position of the divisor: we use the divisor = divisor × quotient
If x is in the position of divisor: we use divisor = divisor △ quotient
Remember these relations, you can flexibly solve such problems

Integral Division

The problem of integral division,
1. (the sixth power of 6 × 10) △ the cube of (- 3 + 10) (the sixth power and cube are only for 10)
2. Given a ≠ B and a (a + 2) = B (B + 2), find the value of a + B
3. If x and y are any real numbers, the value of X & sup2; Y & sup2; - 2x-4y + 5 is always positive
4. Given that 1 / A + a = 5, what is the value of 1 / A-A?
6. Decomposition factor: (152 & sup2; - 52 & sup2;) / (284 & sup2; - 16 & sup2;) the title is written in the form of fraction. (that is 152 & sup2; - 52 & sup2; / 284 & sup2; - 16 & sup2;)
Can you give me the process

2. I directly get a = 2, B = - 4
So a + B = - 2
4. Because one of a + a = 5,
So (A / 1 + a) & sup2; = 25
The expansion is: A & sup2; + 2 + (1 / a) & sup2; = 25
We obtain a & sup2; + (1 / a) & sup2; = 23
(A-1 / a) & sup2; = (A-1 / a) & sup2;
The expansion is: A & sup2; - 2 + (1 / a) & sup2;
Because a & sup2; + (1 / a) & sup2; = 23,
So (A / 1-A) & sup2; = 23-2 = 21,
So one of a - a = positive and negative root sign 21
6. The original formula = (152 + 52) (152-52) / (284 + 16) (284-16)
3. I'm sorry, I only know so much. I hope I can help you! If there is any mistake, I hope I can understand and point it out for me,

On integral Division
[(2Ab) ^ 4 divided by (8a ^ 2B ^ 3)] ^ 3 divided by (- half a ^ 2b) ^ 3

That is, the fourth power of (2Ab) multiplied by the cube of (A's Square multiplied by B) divided by minus 2, and then divided by the whole cube of (8a's Square, B's Cube). Finally, the fourth power of a divided by (8's cube, B's Square)

The quotient of the integral x ^ 4 + 1 / P (another integral) is x – 1, and the remainder is x ^ 2 + X

P (x-1) + X & # 178; + x = x ^ 4 + 1; P (x-1) = x ^ 4-x ^ 2-x + 1; P (x-1) = x ^ 2 (x ^ 2-1) - (x-1); P (x-1) = (x-1) (x ^ 2 (x + 1) - 1).. P = x & # 179; + X & # 178; - 1; I'm glad to answer your questions, skyhunter 002 will answer your questions, if you have any questions, you can follow up

Ask two questions about integral division,
7m (4m & # 178; P & # 178;) / 7m & # 178; (- 12s of the fourth power, t of the sixth power) △ 189; S & # 178; T & # 179;) &# 178; it's the only way. Don't you understand? Just look at the last two of the exercises on p164 of the eighth grade of the people's education press

7m(4m2p)2÷7m2 = 7m(16m4p2)÷7m2 = 112m5p2÷7m2 =16 m3p2