When Xiao Ming calculates the division with remainder, he wrongly writes the divisor 115 as 151, and the result quotient is 3 larger than the correct result, but the remainder is exactly the same______ .

When Xiao Ming calculates the division with remainder, he wrongly writes the divisor 115 as 151, and the result quotient is 3 larger than the correct result, but the remainder is exactly the same______ .

Because the quotient is increased by 3, the divisor (151-115) △ 3 = 36 △ 3 = 12 can be obtained 7. So the answer is: 115 △ 12 = 9 7.

When calculating division with remainder______ It's a lot better than that______ The number is large

When calculating the division with remainder, the divisor is larger than the remainder

What is the divisor equal to in division with remainder

In division with remainder, divisor = divisor × quotient + remainder

Calculation: 53.3 ﹣ 0.23 ﹣ 0.91 × 16.1 ﹣ 0.82=

53.3 / 0.23 / 0.91 × 16.1 / 0.82 = 53.3 / 0.82 × (16.1 / 0.23) / 0.91, = 65 × 70 / 0.91, = 13 × 5 × 10 × 7 / 0.7 / 1.3, = 10 × 5 × 10 × 10, = 5000

Simple calculation of decimal division problem 3.6 * 2.5


Move the decimal point of a decimal one place to the right to get a new decimal. The sum of the two decimals is 16.94. What is the original decimal?

Let me tell you the method. Let X be 10x + x = 16.94, because one decimal point backward is equal to multiplying by 10
That's 16.94 divided by 11. 1.54

The relationship between power operation and open operation

Reciprocal operation

What's the difference between multiplication and power
And contact

Multiplication is the multiplication of several numbers
A power is a fixed number that multiplies itself (just a few times)
It's all multiplication
Power is a special form of multiplication

The significance of decimal division and integer division___ .

The meaning of decimal division is the same as that of integer division. It is the operation of finding the other factor by knowing the product of two factors and one of them

Is the meaning of decimal division the same as that of integer division?

It's all one number that contains several other numbers
Or how many times one number is another