When doing division without remainder, we know that the divisor + divisor x quotient = 60, what is the divisor?

When doing division without remainder, we know that the divisor + divisor x quotient = 60, what is the divisor?


In division without remainder, the divisor + quotient x divisor = 48, what is the divisor equal to?
Why is the divisor 2

Divisor = quotient x divisor
So division = 48 / 2 = 24

In division without remainder, the divisor + divisor × quotient = 174, the divisor is______ .

Because the divisor = divisor × quotient, so the divisor is 174 △ 2 = 87, so the answer is: 87

Ask for some questions about the first integral of junior high school to get rid of the brackets. Because I'm required to finish the preview, I'm sorry, so I'm here to consult you. Make sure it's correct
1、 Remove the brackets from the following integers
2、 First remove the brackets, then merge the similar items
aˆ2+2(a ˆ2-a)-4(aˆ2-3a)
3、 Remove the brackets before calculating
4、 Remove the brackets before calculating
5、 First remove the brackets, then simplify, and then evaluate
3Y & # 710; 2-x & # 710; 2 + (2x-y) - (X & # 710; 2 + 3Y & # 710; 2), where x = 1, y = 2

1、 Remove the brackets from the following integers
2、 First remove the brackets, then merge the similar items
aˆ2+2(a ˆ2-a)-4(aˆ2-3a)=aˆ2+2a ˆ2-2a-4aˆ2+12a=-aˆ2+10a
3、 Remove the brackets before calculating
4、 Remove the brackets before calculating
5、 First remove the brackets, then simplify, and then evaluate
3Y & # 710; 2-x & # 710; 2 + (2x-y) - (X & # 710; 2 + 3Y & # 710; 2), where x = 1, y = 2

The second unit of junior high school mathematics paper is a little more difficult about the brackets

Hungry, I want to correct the answer. Mao 0702 what you said is easy to make mistakes, others can't understand it
1. There is a "+" sign in front of the bracket. Remove the bracket and the "+" sign in front of it, and the symbols of each item in the bracket will not change
2. Before the bracket is the sign of "'", remove the bracket and the sign of "'", and change the sign of each item in the bracket to the opposite sign

-(a5-6b) - (- 7 + 3b) (a followed by square)
2 (2A2 + 9b) + 3 (- 5a2-4b) (2a, 5A followed by square)
-3 (2x2 XY) + 4 (x2 + xy-6) (2x, X followed by square)

Go to the brackets to see the symbol in front of the brackets
Before the bracket is a positive sign. Remove the bracket and the symbol before the bracket. Each item in the bracket does not change the symbol
Before the bracket is a minus sign. Remove the bracket and the symbol before the bracket. Every item in the bracket changes the symbol
Children should be good at using their brains~

Some hope you can tell me

The answers on page 15-17 of the first volume of the second grade of junior high school
I have no choice but to answer... I don't want to copy... But we will have class tomorrow. I haven't written yet. Please help me

I'll send it to you

Answers to the self-test questions in Chapter 7 of mathematics sesame blossom

1、 Cbdccdbaa II-3 / 2,3, n-2, N + 2,3n, 11,3x & sup2; + 3x-8, AB AC + bc-c & sup2;, 2a-1,4 three simple calculation problem 4 21: original formula = A-1 / 2B ∵ 2a-b = 6 ∥ original formula = (2a-b) × 1 / 2 = 322: (1) 81 * 89 = 8 * (8 + 1) * 100 + 1 * 9 = 7209 (2) original formula = 100 * n * 9 (n + 1) + AB (3) organize language by oneself

Question 12 on Page 103 of Mathematics
There must be process and reason to solve the equation
There are two shepherd boys a and B, a said to B: give me one of your sheep, and my sheep number is twice of yours. B: give me one of your sheep and we'll have the same number of sheep. How many sheep do the two shepherd boys have?

Let a have X and B have y, then
We get x = 7, y = 5
There are seven in a and five in B
Let a have X, then B have (x + 1) / 2 and one more
X-1 = (x + 1) / 2 plus 1 plus 1
The solution is x = 7, y = 5
There are seven in a and five in B