In a division formula without remainder, the sum of the divisor, divisor and quotient is 200, and the quotient is 2

In a division formula without remainder, the sum of the divisor, divisor and quotient is 200, and the quotient is 2

The sum of divisor and divisor is 200-2 = 198
The divisor is twice the divisor,
Then the sum of divisor and divisor is 2 + 1 = 3 times of divisor
Then the divisor is 198 △ 3 = 66
The divisor is 198-66 = 132

A division without remainder, the sum of divisor, divisor and quotient is 454, the quotient is 4, what is the sum of divisor and divisor

Divisor: 450 ÷ (4 + 1) = 90
Divisor: 450-90 = 360
Because the divisor is four times the divisor
Then the divisor + divisor = 5 times the divisor

In a division formula without remainder, the sum of the divisor, divisor and quotient is 454, and the quotient is 4. How many are the divisor and the divisor

Let the divisor be X
So the divisor is 4x
The divisor is 360
The divisor is 90

The divisor is 252 greater than the divisor. The quotient is 7. What are the divisor and the divisor?
Don't use equations, use calculations!

Divisor: 252 / (7-1) = 42
Divisor: 42 + 252 = 294