In the division formula without remainder, the divisor divisor × quotient = () A. Divisor B. 0C. Quotient D. dividend

In the division formula without remainder, the divisor divisor × quotient = () A. Divisor B. 0C. Quotient D. dividend

Divisor - divisor × quotient = divisor - divisor = 0

Mischievous in calculating the division with remainder, but the divisor 308 mistakenly wrote 368, the result increased by 5, and the result of remainder is the same. Find the remainder and divisor of this division formula

Divisor: 60 △ 5 = 12
308÷12=25…… eight
The remainder is 8

Fill in the brackets with nine numbers from 1 to 9, the formula is true (each number can only be used once)


All 4-digit, 5-digit, 6-digit, 7-digit
No more points, alas. Just these points, I'll get them as soon as possible, hoping to help me

Can you repeat it?
And so on
Or I'll tell you the rules
1230/1234/1235/1236/1237/1238/1239/1240/1243/1245/1246/1247/1248/1249/1250/1253/1254/1256/1257/1258/1259/1263/1264/1265/1267/1268/1269/1270/1273/1274/1275/1276/1278、1279/1280/1283/1284/1285/1286/1287/1289/1290/1293、/194、/195/1296/1297/1298/1320/1324/1325/1326/1327/1328/1329/1340/1342/1345/1346/1347/1348/1349/1352/1354/1356/1357/1358/1359/136 0/1362/1364/1365、、、、、、、
A lot. It can't go on like this
What's the matter with such a question

0123456789 can form several groups of 5 digits

Number one: except 0, there are nine choices
Second digit: there are 9 choices to remove the first digit
Third place: there are 8 choices except the first and second place
And so on is the result

How many 4 digits can be formed with 0123456789

There are 9 possibilities (except 0) in thousand, 9 possibilities (the remaining 9) in hundred, 8 possibilities (the remaining 8) in ten, 7 possibilities (the remaining 7), 9 × 9 × 8 × 7 = 4536

0123456789 which 8 digits can be made up

I don't understand. The number is 10, only 8 make up the number
If it can be used repeatedly, 10 ^ 8-10 ^ 7
If it can't be repeated, 9 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3

There is a kind of bacteria, which splits into two in one minute, and then splits into four in another minute. It takes one hour to put such a bacteria in the bottle to propagate until the bottle is filled with bacteria. If two such bacteria are put into the bottle at the beginning, then the time required for the bacteria to fill the bottle is ()
A. Half an hour B. 45 minutes C. 59 minutes D. 1 hour

One bacterium splits into two in one minute, four in two minutes, and 2n in n minutes. One bacterium can fill the bottle after one hour's propagation. If two bacteria are put into the bottle at the beginning, the propagation speed is one minute faster than the original one. Therefore, the time required for bacteria to fill the bottle is 59 minutes

(1) If the sum of two numbers is an integer, then the following statement is correct ()
A: Both numbers are positive
B: One family member is positive and the other addend is 0
C: The two numbers are positive and negative, and the absolute value of positive number is large
D. It must belong to one of the above three situations

D A is wrong. If two decimals are added, they can be integers. B is also wrong. Isn't it true that 1 + 1 = 2
If C is not complete, it can be made to be two positive ones. The exclusion method is d

Rectangular coordinate system
Given that points a (0,4), B are on the x-axis, AB and the coordinate axis form a triangle, and the area is 2, then the coordinate of point B is ()
A B (1,0) or (- 1,0) B B (1,0) C B (- 1,0) d b (0, - 1) or (0,1)
As shown in the figure, the known point a can be represented by (3,2).
B(4,0) C (6,0) D (7,2) E (6,3)
Finding the area of Pentagon ABCDE
