In the division operation with remainder, the divisor is equal to the product of divisor and quotient, plus (). What number should be filled in the brackets below to make the divisor maximum ()÷9=8…… ()

In the division operation with remainder, the divisor is equal to the product of divisor and quotient, plus (). What number should be filled in the brackets below to make the divisor maximum ()÷9=8…… ()

In division with remainder, the divisor is equal to the product of divisor and quotient, plus (remainder)
(80)÷9=8…… (8)

When Xiao Ming calculates division with remainder
The divisor 115 is wrongly written as 151, and the result quotient is 3 larger than the correct result, but the remainder is exactly the same. What is the divisor?

It can be solved by congruence
115 and 151 divided by the divisor, the quotient is three times larger, but the remainder is the same,
Then divisor = (151-115) △ 3 = 12

When calculating the division with remainder, the result of calculation______ It's better than that______ Small

When calculating the division with remainder, the result of calculation is that the remainder is smaller than the divisor

On the operation rules and properties of summation sign ∑?

Σ is called continuous plus sign, a1 + A2 + +an=
∑ ai
Σ denotes continuous addition, general form is written on the right, and range is marked up and down
Properties: Σ (Cx) = C Σ x, C is a constant

What operation laws have we learned

Additive commutative law
Law of combination of addition
Commutative law of multiplication
It can also be written as: a · B = B · a
It can also be written as: ab = ba
Law of combination of multiplication
It can also be written as: (a · b) · C = a · (B · C)
It can also be written as: (AB) C = a (BC)
distributive law
It can also be written as: (a + b) · C = a · C + B · C
It can also be written as: (a + b) C = AC + BC
Law of combining subtraction

When a takes what value, the fraction a + 1 / 2a is meaningful; when a takes what value, the fraction A-1 of 8 is meaningless; when a takes what value, the fraction 2A + 3 / 3a-5 is equal to
When a takes what value, the fraction a + 1 / 2a is meaningful; when a takes what value, the fraction A-1 of 8 is meaningless; when a takes what value, the fraction 2A + 3 / 3a-5 is equal to zero

It is meaningful when a is not equal to - 1
It should be impossible that the fraction A-1 of 8 is meaningless, no matter a takes any real number, this formula is meaningful
The value of fraction 2A + 3 / 3 3a-5 is equal to that of 3a-5 = 0. It's impossible to calculate. If the question is incomplete, I'll give you an answer. When the numerator is 0, the formula is 0, which means 3a-5 = 0 and a = 5 / 3

If △ ABC ∽ a ′ B ′ C ′ and the similarity ratio is K (k is not equal to 1), then the value of K is zero

It is known that △ ABC ∽ a ′ B ′ C ′, the similarity ratio between △ ABC and △ a ′ B ′ C ′ is K. (1) if CD and C ′ D ′ are their corresponding high, then what is CDC ′ D ′ equal to? (2) if CD and C ′ D ′ are their corresponding angular bisectors, then what is CDC ′ D ′ equal to? If CD and C ′ D ′ are their corresponding high, then how much is CDC ′ D ′ equal to (). 89 55).89.(144 )
Rule: starting from the fourth term, each term is equal to the sum of the first two
Fibonacci series

Find the rule 35,10,5,4 () ()

This is my guess. I don't know if it's right
35-10=25 10-5=5 5-4=1
It can be seen that these differences are a set of equal ratio series with the first term of 25 and the common ratio of one fifth
So the difference between. 4 and the fifth term should be 1 / 5, so the fifth term is 4-1 / 5 = 19 / 5
And so on. The difference between item 5 and item 6 should be 1 / 25. So item 6 is 19 / 5-1 / 25 = 94 / 25
This is just a guess, not necessarily right, for reference only
I hope you have the right answer to share () fill in the number according to the rule

Next = 2 + 242 × 3 = 728
I wish you progress in your study!
If you have any questions, please ask. If you understand, please adopt them in time! (*^__ ^*)