In a division formula without remainder, the sum of divisor and divisor is 200, the quotient is 4, what is the divisor?

In a division formula without remainder, the sum of divisor and divisor is 200, the quotient is 4, what is the divisor?

Divisor: 200 (1 + 4) = 40
Divisor: 200-40 = 160

In division without remainder, the sum of divisor and divisor is 35.5, the quotient is 4, what is the divisor and what is the divisor?

The divisor is 35.5 (4 + 1) = 7.1
The divisor is 7.1 × 4 = 28.4

In division without remainder, the divisor + divisor × quotient = 174, the divisor is______ .

Because the divisor = divisor × quotient, so the divisor is 174 △ 2 = 87, so the answer is: 87

If A-B = 0.5, then the value of - 3 (B-A) is
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The first is to use inequality to express "the difference between 2 times of a and 3 is not negative"

It's no use relying on the answers

Answers to the 14th issue of the mathematics special page of the seventh grade people's education intensive Edition
You didn't say anything about the first floor

1、 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 2. 1.50 second 2.6.75 square centimeter 3.3x + 13 = 2 (x + 13) 4.2105.300200 6.700 7.298.6 3. 1. The length of each tile is 45 cm and the width is 15 cm

Mathematics special page of 2009-2010 youth intelligence development journal~

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In fact, mastering knowledge is the most important thing

Mathematics special page of youth intelligence development newspaper

[issue 13] the reference answers 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. C 2. 9. - 910. When the denominator is removed, the numerator part is not bracketed, resulting in symbol error 11. The answer is not unique, slightly 12.3 13.134 14.2015.12 16.1.5 3, 17. (1) x = 115

Gold card for teachers

Gold card for teachers
one hundred and eight thousand and eighty-nine

Youth intelligence development report, seventh grade people's Education Standard Edition
Chapter 9 inequalities and systems of inequalities. Proficiency testing
Chapter 10 "data collection, collation and description" special training level test

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