Choose words and fill in the blanks (only fill in the serial number of words) (A) The legend of (b) and the story of (c) 1. Fill in () in bracket a 2. Fill in () in bracket B 3. Fill in () in bracket C A. Jingwei reclamation B. grinding Xu Cheng Zhen C. Dayu water control D. digging canal E. Li Bing controls water F. dripping wears away stone g. Kua Fu pursues the day h. Yi shoots at the nine days The legends of () and () and the stories of () express the indomitable struggle spirit of Chinese people in ancient times

Choose words and fill in the blanks (only fill in the serial number of words) (A) The legend of (b) and the story of (c) 1. Fill in () in bracket a 2. Fill in () in bracket B 3. Fill in () in bracket C A. Jingwei reclamation B. grinding Xu Cheng Zhen C. Dayu water control D. digging canal E. Li Bing controls water F. dripping wears away stone g. Kua Fu pursues the day h. Yi shoots at the nine days The legends of () and () and the stories of () express the indomitable struggle spirit of Chinese people in ancient times

1. Fill in (a) in brackets a
2. Fill in (H) in bracket B
3. Fill in (c) in bracket C

Calculation formula and derivation process of all plane figure area before grade 6
Original! There must be derivation process! We will use it tonight, please!

1 square C perimeter s area a side length perimeter = side length × 4 {C = 4A} area = side length × side length {s = a × a} 2 cube V: Volume A: edge length surface area = edge length × edge length × 6 {s surface = a × a × 6} volume = edge length × edge length × edge length {v = a × a × a} 3 rectangle C perimeter s area a side length perimeter = (length

When deriving the formula of cylinder volume, the cylinder can be transformed into (). The area of parallelogram can be deduced
When deriving the formula of cylinder volume, the cylinder can be transformed into (). When deriving the formula of parallelogram area, the parallelogram can be transformed into ()

Cuboid cuboid

Derivation of cylinder volume

Cut the cylinder along the fan-shaped bottom surface of the cylinder and the height of the cylinder, divide it into several equal parts, the finer the division, the better, and then put it together into a three-dimensional figure similar to a cuboid. If the shape changes, but the volume does not change, then you can find that the bottom area of the cuboid is equal to the bottom area of the cylinder, and the height of the cuboid is also

When deriving the volume formula of a cylinder, the cylinder is divided into several equal parts along the radius of the bottom surface to form an approximate cuboid,
It is known that the bottom of this approximate cuboid is 64 times longer than its width. 2 cm. What's the volume of the cylinder, cubic centimeter? Please put the formula,

Let the radius of the bottom of the cylinder be r, then 2 π R / 2-r = 64.2 π R-R = 64.2 R (π - 1) = 64.2 r = 64.2 R (π - 1) = 30 cm

How to deduce the formula of cylinder volume

If the bottom of the cylinder is divided into several equal sectors (e.g. 16 equal sectors), and the cylinder is cut along the sector of the bottom of the cylinder and the height of the cylinder, 16 equal sized cylinders can be obtained

Detailed derivation of cylinder volume formula

The volume of a cylinder is regarded as the sum of many circles, so v = sh, and S =

A formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder by knowing the circumference of the bottom surface

The diameter D is equal to the circumference C divided by 3.14
Radius R is equal to half of diameter D
Bottom area s = 3.14 times the square of radius = 3.14 * r * r
The volume of the cylinder is equal to the bottom area D times the height h, that is, v = s * H

(- 2 / 3) ^ 2 * (- 2 / 3) ^ 3 / (3 / 2) ^ 2 how to use the same base power division

(-2/3)^2 * (-2/3)^3 / (3/2)^2
= (2/3)^2 * [-(2/3)^3] / [(2/3)^(-2)]
= - (2/3)^2 * (2/3)^3 / [(2/3)^(-2)]
= - (2/3)^[2+3-(-2)]
= -(2/3)^7

Division of (- 2 / 3) quintic power and (2 / 3) cubic power with the same base power

(- 2 / 3) quintic ÷ (2 / 3) cubic
=-(2 / 3) quintic ÷ (2 / 3) cubic
=-(2 / 3) (5-3) power