Multiplication problems of rational numbers in grade one mathematics 1. Connect 2, 3, 4 and - 6 into a formula by adding, subtracting and multiplying, and the result is 24, then the formula is () 2. Subtract 1 / 5 of - 2005, then subtract the remaining 1 / 6, then subtract the remaining 1 / 7. Then subtract the remaining 1 / 2005, and finally get () 3. If three integers a, B and C satisfy ABC = minus 24, then a + B + C has a maximum of (), a minimum of (), and an absolute minimum of () 4. Practical questions: there is a column of numbers. If the first number is negative, it can be multiplied by - 3 to get the next number; if the first number is positive, it can get the next number by subtracting 5. Now we know that the first number is 7. What is the number 2006 in this column?

Multiplication problems of rational numbers in grade one mathematics 1. Connect 2, 3, 4 and - 6 into a formula by adding, subtracting and multiplying, and the result is 24, then the formula is () 2. Subtract 1 / 5 of - 2005, then subtract the remaining 1 / 6, then subtract the remaining 1 / 7. Then subtract the remaining 1 / 2005, and finally get () 3. If three integers a, B and C satisfy ABC = minus 24, then a + B + C has a maximum of (), a minimum of (), and an absolute minimum of () 4. Practical questions: there is a column of numbers. If the first number is negative, it can be multiplied by - 3 to get the next number; if the first number is positive, it can get the next number by subtracting 5. Now we know that the first number is 7. What is the number 2006 in this column?

four point two
The cyclic nodes are 7,2, - 3,9,4, - 1,3, - 2,6,1, - 4,12,
A total of 12, 2006 divided by 12, the remainder is 2, so it is the second, that is 2

2.3 multiplication of rational numbers (1)
If the product is a positive number, then the two numbers () A. are both positive numbers B. are both negative numbers C. are both positive numbers or negative numbers c. a positive number and a negative number
1. Affected by the cold air, the temperature of a place decreases by 1.5 degrees per hour on average. After 4 hours, how many degrees has the temperature decreased? It is calculated by the multiplication of rational numbers

1.C 2-1.5*4=6

Who has one plus one equals two
Not too long. Thank you. It's urgent

I can give you some viewpoits about it ,you can expand it.In the math matic,we always start with definitions .what do you mean by one what do you mean by two?what do you mean by plus?what do you mean ...

One plus one is two

Is one plus one equal to two?In math no doubt we will say yes.But what will it be in social life?Since we enter the 21st century,the spirit of cooperation has become more and more important.Win -win is...