Physical S-T, V-T image, how to judge the acceleration or deceleration, the direction of acceleration?

Physical S-T, V-T image, how to judge the acceleration or deceleration, the direction of acceleration?

If the slope is flat, the wood moves (or moves in a circle)
Is it above or below the x-axis
Direction of acceleration
Acceleration is the same as V direction
Deceleration is opposite to V direction

Is there any acceleration unit other than meter per second?

The power of M times s

The relationship between the displacement of a particle and time is: S = 4T + 2 times the square of T, the units of S and T are meter and second respectively

For S = 4T + 2T ^ 2 = v0t + 1 / 2at ^ 2
v0=4m/s a=4m/s^2

The relation between the displacement of a particle and time is s = 4T + 2T ^ 2. The unit resolution of S and t is m and s

The initial velocity is 4m / s,
Acceleration 4m / S ^ 2

Question: how to find the side area of prism

The side area of straight prism is: perimeter of bottom * height. The side area of oblique prism is: perimeter of straight section * edge length, or: s side = n * a * b * SiNx (n is the number of sides, a and B are both sides of bottom, X is the angle between a and b)

How to find the formula of base area of regular 6 prism?
How to find the length of regular triangular prism?

3 root 3 / 2 × edge length

Regular hexagonal prism and other prism base area calculation method (formula is OK), as detailed as possible, thank you

To find the area of the base of a regular hexagon and other prisms is to find the area of a regular hexagon and other regular n-sided forms. The formula for the area of a regular n-sided form is s = (a ^ 2 * n * cot (PI / N)) / 4, where n is the number of sides and a is the length of the side with multiple deformations

How to deduce the formula of base area of regular hexagonal prism?
(3 √ 3 / 2) a & # 178; that's it. To be more specific, I'm going to bed

It's a combination of six regular triangles. The area of a triangle is: 1 / 2 × a × a × sin60 = √ 3 / 4 × a ^ 2, then multiply by 6

Full area formula of prism

Bottom area + side area

The area formula of quadrangular prism

Ground area * height, ground = length * width, so the formula is length * width * height