As shown in the figure, if the side edge length of the triangular prism is 2, the bottom surface is an equilateral triangle with side length of 1, Aa1 ⊥ surface a1b1c1, and the front view is a rectangle with length of 2 and width of 1, the area of the side view (or left view) of the triangular prism is () A. 3B. 23C. 1D. 32

As shown in the figure, if the side edge length of the triangular prism is 2, the bottom surface is an equilateral triangle with side length of 1, Aa1 ⊥ surface a1b1c1, and the front view is a rectangle with length of 2 and width of 1, the area of the side view (or left view) of the triangular prism is () A. 3B. 23C. 1D. 32

According to the height of the front view and the left view are equal, and the width of the top view and the left view are the same, it is easy to know that the area of the left view is 2 × 32 = 3, so select a

Suppose that the side area of a pyramid s-abcd is twice the area of its bottom, the height so of the pyramid is equal to 3, and the total area and volume of the pyramid

Children's shoes, don't publish the same topic again next time. Let's set the side length of the bottom square as a and the slope height as B, then so & # 178; + (A / 2) &# 178; = B & # 178; because so = 3, so B & # 178; - A & # 178 / 4 = 9 (*) and s side area = 2S bottom, and s side area = 4 * (1 / 2) * AB = 2Ab, s bottom = A & # 17

If O is the projection of the vertex on the bottom of a regular pyramid s-abcd and so = OD, then the angle between the line SA and the plane ABCD is equal to 0__

45 ° ah, obviously so ⊥ surface ABCD, so ⊥ OA, s-abcd are regular pyramid, so ABCD is square, OA = od = so

If the length of all edges of a regular pyramid s-abcd is equal to a, the cross-section area of a regular pyramid s-abcd is 0


If the side length of the bottom of the triangular prism is 3cm and the side length is 5cm, the triangular prism has the same structure__________ The area of the expanded side view is_______

If the length of the bottom side of the prism is 3 cm and the length of the side edge is 5 cm, the prism has three sides, and the area of the expanded side view is 45 square cm

A hexagonal prism, its bottom edge length is 6cm, the side edge length is 5cm, how many cm is its side area


In a prism, the length of each side edge is 4cm, the sum of the lengths of all sides is 40cm, and the length of the bottom side is 5cm

Because the length of each side edge is 4cm, the sum of the length of all sides is 40cm
So this prism is 40 / 4 = 10 prism
So the side length of the bottom surface is 5 * 10 = 50cm
So the side is a rectangle with a length of 50 and a width of 4
So the perimeter is (50 + 4) * 2 = 108CM
The area is 50 * 4 = 200cm square

A regular n-prism has 22 faces, side edges and 100 cm, side length cm. It is necessary to calculate the side area tonight

Prism 22-2 = 20 sides
Edge length 100 / 20 = 5cm

Find the linear equation which is parallel to the line 3x + 4y-7 = 0 and the area enclosed by the coordinate axis is equal to 24
Find the equation of a line which is perpendicular to the line 3x + 4y-12 = 0 and whose circumference is equal to 24

Let the linear equation be 3x + 4Y + C = 0, let x = 0, then y = - C / 4, let y = 0, then x = - C / 3,
|-C / 4 | ×| - C / 3 | △ 2 = 24, the solution is C = ± 24, so the linear equation is 3x + 4Y + 24 = 0, or 3x + 4y-24 = 0

What is the area of the triangle formed by the line 3x-4y-12 = 0 and the coordinate axis______ .

The area of triangle AOB is s = 12 ×| OA ×| ob | = 12 × 4 × 3 = 6, that is, the area of triangle enclosed by line 3x-4y-12 = 0 and coordinate axis is 6