In the formula s = VT + 1 / 2at & # 178; s, t (t is not equal to 0), find the expression of V In the formula s = 6.28r (R + H), we know s = 628, r = 5, and find H

In the formula s = VT + 1 / 2at & # 178; s, t (t is not equal to 0), find the expression of V In the formula s = 6.28r (R + H), we know s = 628, r = 5, and find H


In the formula s = v.t + 1 / 2at & # 178, we know s = 32, V. = 6, t = 2, then the value of a is______________

Substituting the data, we get the following results:
A = 10

Under what circumstances can we use the formula s = VT + 1 / 2at ^ 2

The initial velocity is not 0

In the formula s = VOT + 1 / 2at & # 178, we know s = 11, VO = 5, t = 2, and find the value of A

Directly substitute the values of S, VO and T into the formula

It is known that an object is in free falling motion, and the expression of falling height is the second power of S = 1 / 2GT, where G is the acceleration of gravity, and G is the second power of 9.8m/s,
Find the instantaneous velocity when t = 3


In physics, the motion formula of a free falling body is h = 1 / 2GT ^ 2, where G is the acceleration of gravity, taking g ≈ 10m / S ^ 2, an object falls freely from an altitude of 125m
In physics, the motion formula of free falling body is h = 1 / 2GT ^ 2, where G is the acceleration of gravity. Take g ≈ 10 m / S ^ 2. If an object falls freely from an altitude of 125 m, it will land several seconds later?

T = root (2H / g)
=Root (250 / 10) = 5S
So it landed five seconds later

The formula of free falling body in Physics: H = &# 189; gt & # 178; (G is the acceleration of gravity, its value is about 10 m / s), if a small ball is 180 m above the ground
Then the time required for the ball to fall to the ground is ()

Why do you have to ask questions when all the mental arithmetic is out in 6 seconds?

In the formula s = VT + 1 / 2at & sup2;, s, t (t is not equal to 0), V then a = ()

A = 2 / T (s-vt)

From the analysis of mechanical unit system, is there any error in the following formula: (1) displacement formula s = v0t + 1 / 2at (2) velocity formula VT = v0t + at
(3) Acceleration a = fcos α - μ (m-fsin α) / M

It's all wrong
(1) Displacement formula s = v0t + 1 / 2at & # 178;
(2) Velocity formula VT = V0 + at (3) acceleration a = fcos α - μ (mg fsin α) / M

How to calculate the displacement formula: S = v0t + 1 / 2at ^ 2
Is 1 / 2at ^ 2 a × T and then 1 / 2 squared or how?

1 / 2at ^ 2 means: (1 / 2) × a × (T ^ 2) = (1 / 2) × a × (t × T). Do you understand?