If the image of primary function y = - 2x + B does not pass through the third quadrant, try to determine the value range of B

If the image of primary function y = - 2x + B does not pass through the third quadrant, try to determine the value range of B

If y = - 2x + B does not pass through the third quadrant, b > 0

What is the intersection coordinate between the image of function y = 2x and the Y axis? What is the intersection coordinate between the image of function y = 2x and the X axis

The intersection coordinates of y = 2x & # 178; - 3x-5 image and Y axis are (0, - 5)
The root of equation 2x & # 178; - 3x-5 = 0, X1 = - 1, X2 = 2.5
So the coordinates of the intersection with the X axis are (- 1,0) and (2.5,0)

If we know that the ordinates of the intersection of the image and the Y-axis of the linear function Y1 = (M2-2) x + 1-m and y2 = (M2-4) x + 2m + 3 are opposite to each other, then the value of M is ()
A. -2B. 2C. -3D. -4

According to the meaning of the question, substituting x = 0 into the two analytic expressions, we can get: Y1 = 1-m, y2 = 2m + 3, that is, the ordinate of the intersection with the Y axis. From the opposite numbers of Y1 and Y2, we can get: Y1 + y2 = 1-m + 2m + 3 = 0, the solution is: M = - 4; so we choose D