Which two points must a positive scale function y = 4x pass through? The image of positive scale function y = 4x must pass through (,) and (,

Which two points must a positive scale function y = 4x pass through? The image of positive scale function y = 4x must pass through (,) and (,

The image of positive scale function y = 4x must pass (0,0) and (1,4)

If the positive scale function image passes (2, - 4) and the range of X is - 3 ≤ x ≤ 4, then the value range of Y?

Let y = KX (K ≠ 0)
So y = - 2x decreases monotonically over the domain [- 3,4]
When x = - 3, the maximum value of Y is 6
When x = 4, the minimum value of Y is - 12
So the value of Y is [- 12,6]