How to compare the size of lg1.75 and 0.25 with the accurate image drawn by computer and calculator

How to compare the size of lg1.75 and 0.25 with the accurate image drawn by computer and calculator

In fact, by comparing the size of 1.75 with the 0.25th power of 10 (i.e. the fourth power of 10), or by comparing the fourth power of 1.75 with the size of 10, we get that the fourth power of 1.75 is less than 10, that is to say, LG 1.75

f(t)=(t²+2)/(t+1) ( -1


High school mathematics problems, master please come in
Prove this formula
C means permutation and combination

I record the combinatorial number as C (n, 0) and so on. ω = cos (2 π / 3) + isin (2 π / 3), ω^ 2 = cos (4 π / 3) + isin (4 π / 3), ω ^ 3 = cos (6 π / 3) + isin (6 π / 3) = 1.1 + ω + ω ^ 2 = 0. (1 + x) ^ n = C (n, 0) + C (n, 1) x + C (n, 2) x ^ 2 + C (n, 3) x ^ 3 +. Let x = 1, we get C (n, 0) + C (n, 1) + C (n, 2) + C