What is the trigonometric function of sin 7 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds?

What is the trigonometric function of sin 7 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds?

Because 1 degree equals 60 minutes and 1 minute equals 60 seconds, 7 degrees, 7 minutes and 30 seconds equals 7 + (7 + 30 / 60) / 60, which is 7.125,
So sin7 degrees, 7 minutes, 30 seconds = sin7.125 = 0.74585313320849 is not a special trigonometric function. You need to use a calculator or look up a table

If we know that sin a + sin B = 1 / 4, cos a + cos B = 1 / 3, then Tan (a + b)
Please help me work out the formula,

According to the sum difference product formula, sin a + sin B = 2Sin [(a + b) / 2] cos [(a-b) / 2] = 1 / 4cos a + cos B = 2cos [(a + b) / 2] cos [(a-b) / 2] = 1 / 3, so tan [(a + b) / 2] = 3 / 4, so tan (a + b) = {2tan [(a + b) / 2]} / {1-tan ^ 2 [(a + b) / 2]} = 24 / 7